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List of ISO Certifications required for Import & Export Industry - SIS Certifications

List of ISO Certifications required for Import & Export Industry - SIS Certifications

In the import and export industry, various ISO certifications can be relevant, depending on the nature of the business, the products or services involved, and the specific requirements of stakeholders. Here is a list of some ISO certifications that are commonly associated with the import and export industry:

ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System)


This standard focuses on quality management systems and applies to any organization involved in international trade. It helps ensure that products and services consistently meet customer requirements and that quality is consistently improved.

ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System)

Relevant for businesses that want to demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability. ISO 14001 certification standards can be important when dealing with environmentally sensitive products or when customers and regulatory bodies emphasize green practices.

ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System)

Important for ensuring a safe and healthy working environment. This certification is crucial for organizations involved in the handling and transportation of goods, especially those dealing with hazardous materials.

ISO 22000:2018 (Food Safety Management System)


Essential for businesses involved in the import and export of food products. This standard addresses food safety hazards in the production and delivery process.

ISO 27001:2013 (Information Security Management System)

Important for organizations dealing with sensitive information, especially in the digital age. It helps manage and protect information assets, which is critical in international trade.

ISO 22301:2019 (Business Continuity Management System)

Ensures that an organization has a plan in place to continue its critical functions during and after a disaster. This is crucial for maintaining business operations during unexpected disruptions in the supply chain. Apply online for ISO 22301 certification.

ISO 37001:2016 (Anti Bribery ManagAnti-Bribery)


ISO 37001 certification is vital for the Import and Export industry as it ensures compliance with global anti-bribery standards. It mitigates legal risks across diverse jurisdictions, enhances the industry's credibility through ethical practices, and fosters trust among stakeholders. This certification streamlines operations, minimizes corruption-related disruptions, and offers a competitive edge in international trade.

ISO 50001:2018 (Energy Management System)

Addresses energy efficiency and can be relevant for organizations looking to reduce energy consumption in their operations, including transportation and logistics.

ISO 31000:2018 (Risk Management)

While not industry-specific, this standard applies to any organization involved in international trade. It provides guidelines for establishing a risk management framework to identify, assess, and manage risks.

It's important to note that the relevance of specific ISO certifications may vary based on the nature of the business, industry regulations, and customer requirements. Organizations in the import and export industry should carefully assess their needs and engage with relevant stakeholders to determine the most appropriate certifications for their operations.

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