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How Much Does Double Glazed Windows Cost in Australia?

imperialaluminium Window & Doors
How Much Does Double Glazed Windows Cost in Australia?

From increasing energy efficiency to adding security, double-glazed windows come with all types of added benefits for your home. Here’s a rundown on what’s complicated in installing double-glazed windows, how much they cost, and how to pay for them.

Double glazed windows are usually priced by the four-sided meter, with the average price sitting somewhere between $200 and $300 per square meter for just the glass.

You need to factor in:

  • the cost of the frame, which differs depending on the substantial you choose. Aluminium is cheaper, high-quality timber is classier.
  • labor to install the windows, which will be contingent on the complexity of the job.

The cost variance between single and double glazed windows

The cost of double glazed varies depending on the type of window you choose from. The budget difference is the modest configuration with the lowest conditions. What does this mean? Each suitable glass unit has unique technical features. First of all, this concern is the glazing itself.

According to Jasan, from Imperial Aluminium, which manufactures, and supplies double glazed windows in the Melbourne region, the total cost to double glaze your home will vary depending on what style of windows you want.

Window Double Glazing Protects Your Home

Climate control

With the random weather in Melbourne, having a glazed window will secure the climate in your home. Keeping it at a relaxed temperature in winter and in summer is vital to living in a pleasant environment. With double glazed window replacement, the main advantage over single glazed windows is that the lagging keeps your home fresh in the summer and pleasant in the winter.

Stop Noise

Keeping sounds out of your home helps you preserve a more passive and better life. With a double-glazed window, they’re much thicker than single-glazed windows which means they’re highly effective when it comes to reducing noise entering your household. So, these windows are ideal for busy streets and all inner-city living sounds. 

Improve energy efficiency

Double glazed windows create a more energy-efficient house as you’ll use less electricity due to your home already being at a reasonably comfortable temperature from the excellent insulation that double-glazed windows create.

Increase Safety

If you want to advance the security of your household, then a double glazing window is a great choice. It is very difficult to smash and break from the inside. And the same goes for trying to open them from the outside compulsorily. Which improves your defense from someone trying to break into your home.

Keep your interior secure

Believe it or not, when furniture, curtains, and other inside furnishings get exposed to too much heat they can get a lot of wear and tear and even decline quickly. As double glazed windows help to control heat and keep it out and at a relaxed temperature, it will protect your inside furnishings which means less cost if you need to replace them more regularly.

Read More:- https://ventsmagazine.com/2023/12/11/how-much-does-double-glazed-windows-cost-in-australia/

imperialaluminium Window & Doors
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