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By exploiting mineral resources, Africa can increase its influence on the global stage, said Emmanuel Katto

Arnold Mukasa
By exploiting mineral resources, Africa can increase its influence on the global stage, said Emmanuel Katto

Africa is blessed with an abundance of natural resources, including minerals that are in high demand globally. However, the continent has not fully capitalized on this wealth, with many countries still struggling with poverty and underdevelopment. Emmanuel Katto, an African business leader, has proposed strategies that can help Africa leverage its mineral resources to propel the continent to global leadership.

Emmanuel Katto shares his views that Africa needs to adopt a more holistic approach to mineral resource management, focusing on value addition, beneficiation, and local content development. According to Katto, this approach will not only create more jobs and wealth for Africans but also reduce the continent's dependence on exporting raw materials at low prices.

One of Emmanuel Katto's key proposals is the establishment of regional mineral value chains. This involves linking mining activities in different countries to create a more integrated and efficient industry. For example, a country that produces copper could partner with another country that produces cathodes to create a regional value chain that adds value to the copper. This would not only create more jobs and wealth but also reduce transportation costs and improve the competitiveness of African products in global markets.

Another proposal by Emmanuel Katto is the promotion of local content development in the mining industry. This involves encouraging African companies to participate in mining activities and adding value to minerals locally. According to Katto, this would not only create more jobs for Africans but also reduce the dependence on foreign companies and technologies. He cited the example of South Africa's mining industry, which has successfully implemented local content development policies, resulting in increased local participation and reduced costs for mining companies.

Emmanuel Katto also emphasized the importance of technology in driving mineral resource management in Africa. He called for increased investment in research and development of indigenous technologies that can help African countries add value to their minerals locally. According to Katto, this would not only create more jobs and wealth but also reduce the dependence on imported technologies and improve the competitiveness of African products in global markets.

In conclusion, Emmanuel Katto's proposals for leveraging Africa's mineral resources to propel the continent to global leadership are timely and relevant. By adopting a more holistic approach to mineral resource management, focusing on value addition, beneficiation, local content development, and technology, Africa can unlock its full potential and become a major player in global markets. It is time for African governments and businesses to take action and implement these strategies for a brighter future.

Read the full article here https://www.monitor.co.ug/uganda/news/national/govt-eyeing-partnerships-with-private-sector-to-spur-digital-growth-4372590

Arnold Mukasa
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