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How does industrial 4g sim router helps with smart drainage system

E-Lins Technology - 4G Router Manufacturer
How does industrial 4g sim router helps with smart drainage system

Industrial m2m, IoT plays a more and more important role in our life. Let's see how does 4g sim router work for the smart drainage system.


A smart drainage system is a system that uses advanced technology to manage and control the urban drainage. It consists of various telemetry terminals, sensors, monitoring equipment and data analysis technology, which can monitor and sense the operation of the urban drainage system in real time, and take timely actions to adjust and optimize it. The smart drainage system can also link with other urban infrastructure systems to achieve better resource utilization and environmental protection.


How does the smart drainage system work?

The smart drainage system has three main layers: the perception layer, the transmission layer and the application layer. The perception layer collects and monitors the data information of each part of the drainage system in real time through the telemetry terminal, sensors and monitoring equipment installed in the drainage system. The transmission layer sends the collected data to the application layer for processing and analysis through wireless communication technology and network transmission technology. The application layer is the heart of the smart drainage system, which uses data analysis technology to process and analyze the collected data and optimize and control the drainage system.


The smart drainage system has many benefits. By monitoring the drainage system in real time, it can find problems early and fix them quickly, avoiding the risks and losses caused by drainage system failures. It can also analyze and optimize the data to make the drainage system run more efficiently and use energy more wisely, reducing resource waste and environmental pollution. It can improve the urban drainage management level and ensure the city's sustainable development.


The smart drainage system has achieved some results in practical applications. For example, in terms of urban drainage system scheduling and management, the smart drainage system can optimize the scheduling and operation control of drainage pumping stations based on real-time data analysis results to improve the operating efficiency and stability of the drainage system. In terms of urban drainage early warning and emergency management, the smart drainage system can predict and warn potential risks and problems of the urban drainage system in time, and take measures to prevent and handle them, reducing losses and impacts caused by drainage system failures and disasters.


E-Lins routers such as the H685 series support 4g/5g. They have stable and reliable performance, EMC tested, high and low temperature resistance -35°C to 75°C, wide voltage 5V-40V, moisture-proof, lightning protection, anti-electromagnetic interference, data security, automatic recovery of network failures, automatic reconnection when disconnected. They support various communication methods, such as GPRS/4G/5G wireless cellular network, Ethernet, Beidou, SMS, RS232/RS485, etc. E-Lins industrial 4g sim router is an important member in industrial iot and m2m industry applications.

E-Lins Technology - 4G Router Manufacturer
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