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What Are the Available Stretch Mark Treatments in Singapore?

Beauty and Wellness Blog

The skin, the biggest organ in the body, possesses the remarkable ability to compress and expand as needed.

Even while the skin is resilient and elastic, its underlying tissues may become damaged if they are stretched too rapidly or too far.

The skin may have stretch marks as a result of its growing enlargement. Stretch marks are common in 90% of pregnant women. On the other hand, stretch marks can affect individuals of nearly any age and skin type.

They generally occurs during times of development and physical transformation, such puberty, considerable weight increase, and intensive muscle strengthening. Make an appointment at 1Aesthetics, a luxurious boutique medical aesthetics clinic located in Singapore's Riverside residential area.

What causes stretch marks to appear?

Bands or lines known as stretch marks develop as the connective tissue of the skin stretches.

Some of the collagen fibers in the intermediate layer may rupture if the skin swells too quickly.

Because of this, the blood vessels below may be seen, leaving behind the distinctive red or purple scars.

Ultimately, when the blood vessels recover, they turn silver or white. Once the marks appear, they frequently don't completely disappear.

Stretch marks don't hurt physically, but they might make someone feel insecure and uneasy. In extreme circumstances, they might be disfiguring.

For many years, experts have been looking for a way to treat these markings.

Stretch mark treatments

Stretch mark surgeries performed by plastic surgeons and skin specialists can lessen their appearance.

Despite the fact that no therapy has ever been proven to be effective for everyone, many patients report success with the following treatments.


Although there isn't much proof that tretinoin (retinoic acid) is beneficial, a small early study found that a cream containing 0.1 percent tretinoin could reduce the appearance of early stretch marks.

Retinol, frequently referred to by the brand name Retin-A, has two side effects: peeling and redness. Not advised for use by women who are pregnant or nursing.

Retinol can occasionally lessen stretch marks because it can regenerate collagen by penetrating the epidermis.

Tretinoin can only be bought with a prescription. Therapy seems to work best on stretch marks that have just begun to appear, therefore it should be sought out as soon as possible.

Tretinoin might not work as well if the markings turn white or silver.

Light-based or laser therapy

One of the most recent keloid removal that shows promise for reducing their appearance is laser therapy.

Stretch marks can gradually become less visible thanks to the collagen formation that is stimulated by pulsed dye lasers and powerful pulsed light.

Plastic, cosmetic, or skin surgeons perform these operations.

Laser or light therapy can significantly lessen the appearance of stretch marks.

Verify the credentials and training of the healthcare professional you are working with.

For stretch marks to improve by 20–60%, it may take up to 20 sessions. The price of care could be high.

Platelet-rich plasma generated by ultrasound

The use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to rejuvenate skin and boost collagen synthesis is gaining favor. PRP therapy uses platelet-rich plasma from the patient's own blood that was drawn before to the procedure.

According to a study that was published in the Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, stretch marks may be successfully healed utilizing PRP therapy in conjunction with an ultrasound equipment.

Over 70% of participants gave themselves an "excellent" or "very good" rating for appearance.

Cosmetic approach

Thigh lifts, belly tucks, and similar procedures tighten remaining skin and tissue while removing extra skin.

Getting these treatments may be advised by a doctor or other healthcare provider if a patient has drooping skin as a result of weight loss or pregnancy.

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