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Top 10 Scholarships to Study in the UK for Indian Students in 2024

Edge International
Top 10 Scholarships to Study in the UK for Indian Students in 2024

Looking to study in the UK but worried about expenses? Scholarships can make it affordable for Indian students like you to study abroad.

The United Kingdom, with its world-class universities and diverse culture, remains a popular study-abroad destination for Indian students.

However, figuring out what scholarships are available for Indian students and how to get one is not easy.

But don’t worry. In this blog post, we have created a list of the top 10 scholarships for Indian students looking to study in the UK in 2024.

Whether you want to pursue your undergraduate, postgraduate, or research degree, there are numerous UK education funding opportunities available for you to explore.

What UK Scholarships Cover for Indian Students?

Securing funding for your UK education is just the first step. It's also important to understand what expenses your scholarships will actually cover. This allows you to plan and manage your abroad education expenses better.

Most UK scholarships for Indian students will provide funding that goes towards:

Tuition Fees-This covers the cost of your course and university fees. Some scholarships may only partially fund your fees.

Living Costs-Money for accommodation, food, transport, etc. while you study in the UK. The amount varies between scholarships.

Travel Costs-Some scholarships include flight tickets to and from the UK. Others provide a set travel stipend.

Additional Allowances-Funds for buying books, equipment, health insurance, etc. may be offered.

However, UK scholarships rarely cover the full costs. You often still need to arrange some funding on your own.

The amount and types of expenses covered also depend on whether you apply for an undergraduate, postgraduate, or research program.

Therefore, it’s best to go through the coverage details closely before applying for any scholarship.

To Read Full Blog : Top 10 Scholarships to Study in the UK

Edge International
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