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Navigating the Construction Equipment Recruitment Landscape

Talon Recruiting
Navigating the Construction Equipment Recruitment Landscape

The construction industry is booming in North America, with over 20% of the workforce over fifty-five. Construction companies must increase recruitment efforts to meet the growing demand for skilled workers. Talon Recruiting is a specialized recruitment agency with the networks and expertise to provide quality personnel with the right experience in the multifaceted construction industry. Our construction division thoroughly understands all levels of technical, managerial, and supervisory personnel. In this blog post, we will explore the challenges of navigating the construction equipment recruitment landscape and how Talon Recruiting can help you find the right talent to satisfy your needs.

The Challenges of Construction Equipment Recruitment

The construction industry faces unique challenges when recruiting top talent. According to a National Association of Home Builders survey, 80% of contractors report difficulty finding qualified workers.

One of the biggest challenges facing construction companies is finding qualified candidates. With the industry experiencing a shortage of skilled labour, it can be difficult for companies to find workers with the necessary skills and experience to complete assignments in a productive and timely manner.

Another challenge lies in the demographic composition of the construction workforce. Nearly a quarter of all construction workers are aged 55 or older. As these experienced professionals approach retirement, the industry must focus on attracting fresh talent to ensure its future vitality.

Diversity is another critical aspect of the construction industry. Companies must ensure that their workforce is diverse and inclusive to reflect the communities they serve.

Talon Recruiting's Solutions

Talon Recruiting offers staffing solutions that are comprehensive and designed to fit the unique needs of our clients. Understanding the needs of our clients is paramount to our ability to provide them with a tailored recruitment service. The projects delivered by our clients are often complex, with multiple phases. They face challenges sourcing both local and regional permanent talent. Our construction recruitment services span the entire project, from initial feasibility and planning stages to design, construction, and decommissioning.

We have the networks and expertise to provide quality personnel with experience in the multifaceted construction industry. Our specialized construction division thoroughly understands all levels of technical, managerial, and supervisory personnel. We offer staffing solutions that are comprehensive and designed to fit the unique needs of our clients. Understanding the needs of our clients is paramount to our ability to provide them with a tailored recruitment service.

Talon Recruiting has a proprietary recruitment process leverages behavioural and cognitive data insights to align values, behaviours, and skills and remove subjectivity from the hiring process. We help our clients find top-performing construction professionals to build top-performing teams, drive their costs down, and effectively manage labour.


The construction industry is facing several challenges when it comes to recruiting in 2024. From finding qualified candidates to retaining employees, these challenges can make or break a construction company's ability to operate efficiently. Talon Recruiting has the networks and expertise to provide quality personnel with the right experience in the multifaceted construction industry. Our specialized construction division thoroughly understands all levels of technical, managerial, and supervisory personnel. We offer staffing solutions that are comprehensive and designed to fit the unique needs of our clients. Understanding the needs of our clients is paramount to our ability to provide them with a tailored recruitment service.

Talon Recruiting
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