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Safety Standards and Regulations for Children's Magnet Sets


Magnetic building blocks are new trendy toys made of different colors and kid-safe fabric in the market. These blocks help kids with physical, emotional, and social development. Kids can recognize colors, join the magnet blocks, and make different shapes. However, the only thing worth considering is the safety standard for magnets.

Yes, you heard it right! The government has provided specific requirements for the Magnetic Building set used by small kids. Most companies are strictly advised to take care when using magnets inside or outside the toys. There have been many cases of accidental consumption by kids that required surgical removal.




Federal Safety Standards for Kids Magnetic Toys


The Consumer Product Safety Commission has passed the bill to make magnet toys safe for kids. The Commission made it clear in its reports that kids' magnet sets must have large magnets that cannot be swallowed. It will safeguard children from swallowing the magnetic blocks. A few reputed companies have designed large foam building blocks to cover the magnet so small children cannot discover it.


The government has made regulations amending the 16 CFR 1240, which applies to magnet sets and magnetic block toys. This amendment came in the wake of 580 kids' ingestion incidents yearly. Therefore, CPSC has stated that the magnets in the Children's Magnet set must not be powerful and large enough not to be consumed.




Other Considerations of the Government on Magnetic Sets


Magnet building toys with large magnets are exempt from this rule. The rule is underway, and the company's operations must abide it. However, parents must check the size of the magnets in their kids' toys.


The new standard has been set by the government and the American Society for Testing of Materials, where under F3458, there will be minimized accidental ingestion of the magnets. Industries need to tighten each magnetic building toy, so their grip does not loosen. The toy safety standards come under F963 to ensure that the technical guidance provided is being used while manufacturing the toy.


These safety standards and regulations let children play with toys safely, as the companies need to manufacture those toys that should not explode. Moreover, the guidelines also state that these magnets must not be heavily welded or there be any grinding of magnets. Apart from these safety standards, parents should be present with their kids when playing with sizeable magnetic building toys.




It will help prevent an unforeseen incident, and children will not swallow the magnets. If any magnet is swallowed, it is made so weak that there will be no harsh surgeries. The child will not face any blockage, blood poisoning, or infection issues. Parents must keep these magnetic block toys out of the reach of children.




If you are looking for the best magnetic building set, you can buy it from Magnet Blox. They have the safety-regulated Standard Set V-1, explicitly curated for small kids. Order today!

The Article “Safety Standards and Regulations for Children's Magnet Sets” is originally posted Here.

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