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The Initials 10 Days After Hair Transplant Surgery?

Ashfaq Khan
The Initials 10 Days After Hair Transplant Surgery?

After a hair transplant surgery, it's normal to experience some initial symptoms and changes in the first 10 days. Here's what you might typically expect:

Swelling: Swelling around the forehead and eyes is common, peaking around the third- or fourth-day post-surgery. This is typically due to the trauma of the procedure and usually subsides within a week.

Redness and Irritation: The transplanted area and the donor area may appear red and irritated initially. This is part of the healing process and should gradually diminish over the first week or two.

Scabbing: Small scabs may form around the transplanted follicles as they heal. It's crucial not to pick at these scabs to avoid dislodging the grafts.

Numbness: Some numbness or tingling sensation might be felt in the recipient and donor areas due to nerve involvement during the hair transplant surgery in Islamabad. This typically resolves over time as the nerves heal.

Itching: Itching can occur as the hair follicles heal, but it's essential to resist scratching to prevent damage to the grafts.

Shock Loss: Some of the existing hair around the transplanted area may fall out temporarily due to shock from the procedure. This is a normal part of the process, and the hair usually regrows within a few months.

Restricted Activities: It's important to avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and exposure to direct sunlight in the initial days following hair transplant surgery in Peshawar to aid in the healing process.

Medication: You'll likely be prescribed medications such as antibiotics to prevent infection and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling and discomfort.

It's essential to follow your surgeon's post-operative care instructions diligently and attend any follow-up appointments as scheduled to ensure proper healing and optimal results. If you have any concerns or notice any unusual symptoms during the initial days after surgery, don't hesitate to contact your surgeon for guidance.

Ashfaq Khan
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