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The Significance of Magnetic Separators in the Food Industry

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The food processing industry is one of only a few that has such wide-ranging social effects. When a firm has an impact on many people, there must be numerous safety precautions in place.

Given that the products in the food processing sector have an impact on people's health, wellbeing, and ability to feed themselves, safety and quality are crucial. Despite the fact that there are several methods for ensuring high-quality products during the food processing stage, it all starts with lowering the likelihood of contamination.

Contamination is generally unwelcome in enterprises, but it is extremely harmful when dealing with food goods. Ferrous debris is one of the most common pollutants in food processing plants and is easily removed using a magnetic separator.

Magnetic Separators: What Are They?

Magnetic separation is a technique for magnetically attracting and removing extraneous metal pieces from other items. They can be used in conjunction with metal detectors and x-ray machines and are frequently placed in a line of moving parts for maximum protection against contamination and damage to expensive machinery.

A magnetic separator can have the following features depending on the product and industry they are meant for:

  • several different sizes
  • distinct arrangements
  • various operational characteristics

There are numerous types of magnetic separators, including:

  • Magnetic grates
  • Belt magnets
  • Disk magnets
  • Magnets for suspension
  • Household magnets
  • Magnetic liquid lines

Notwithstanding their differences, all varieties were created with the same objective in mind: to get rid of unwanted metal contaminants.

What Is The Process Of Magnetic Separators In The Food Industry?

These systems attract ferrous elements with magnets, filter them, and eliminate them from the production process. Some examples of ferrous materials are:

Iron powder

Very small magnetic particles

In the food industry, where items must be packaged and delivered residue-free, this technique is very important. For instance, because they come in a range of designs and with a variety of features, magnetic separators can be installed on the conveyor belt at any point along the production process.

Humidity is not a problem with high-performance magnetic separators because they are resistant to corrosion. This is quite useful since they can be used to clean surfaces of liquids like oil.

In the food processing chain, magnetic drums are routinely used to capture larger and heavier pollutants. This system may also contain electromagnets and permanent magnets. They are mounted on the conveyor belts' outside so that anything magnetic that passes over them is immediately drawn to them.

Instances of use

Magnets are an efficient way to identify and remove metal contaminants from equipment used in the food processing industry. selecting the ideal magnetic separator entails:

An understanding of what attracts people

Product attributes

Many environmental factors specific to each food manufacturing facility

Magnetic separators come in a variety of designs, such as:

Magnet rod

Rod magnets are permanent non-electric magnetic components that have a variety of applications. Rod magnets, such as the VIBRA® rod magnets, are used to remove ferrous contaminants that are present in minute, shallow flows in items like:

  • Powder
  • Granules
  • Fibers
  • Liquids
  • Disk magnets

The following applications are made use of with plate magnets, such as the VIBRA® Plate magnets:

  • At the base of a descending chute
  • Put in place over conveyor belts

They are used to remove ferrous contaminants that occasionally appear in manufacturing processes, particularly large metal fragments like:

  • Nuts
  • Bolts
  • From dry items, staples
  • Magnetic Grates

Material can tumble through a grate by passing through magnetic rods that are arranged in a grid inside grate magnets. Via equipment pieces with cross sections, such as pipelines or hoppers, they distribute magnetic protection. Use grate magnets, like the VIBRA® grate magnets, to get rid of small or medium-sized metal contaminants.

Magnets for Liquid Line Traps

Liquid line trap magnets are traps with internal rod magnets that have an inlet port that is compatible with current pipelines. The VIBRA® liquid line trap magnet collects metal scraps like baling wire or staples.

Floating Magnets

When a product passes underneath suspended magnets that dangle above conveyor belts, metal fragments are taken out of the product. Large metal fragments can be removed, for instance, using VIBRA® hanging magnets, which can protect equipment like crushers from harm.

What Justifies the Use of Magnetic Separators?

As a result of consumer discoveries of foreign materials or physical contamination, tons of food products are recalled every year. These recalls not only cost companies millions of dollars, but they may also damage their reputation and jeopardize consumer safety.

There are many different types of physical pollutants, and swallowing them can be dangerous. The prevention of metal contamination in food is a crucial issue for the industry that has long been concerned with the subject of food safety and has been relevant to all food production enterprises.

Here are a few explanations on why magnetic separators are crucial in the food sector.

Contaminants That We'd Usually Miss Are Found by Magnets

How ferrous materials and components wind up in a facility that processes food may be of interest to you. Metal shavings and particles can be created by a variety of different things.

Metal harvesting equipment used by farmers is one potential source since pieces of the shovel's blade might split off and end up in the shipment of products.

The building is yet another possible resource. In a facility, there are undoubtedly several moving pieces of machinery where nuts and bolts could come free and fall into the mechanical preparation or processing lines. The processing staff would likely overlook the contamination in each of the aforementioned scenarios due to its small size.

The contaminants would be drawn by a magnetic separator before a worker ever noticed anything was wrong.

Early Contamination Reduction and Crisis Prevention Are Better

Most food processing plants begin their operations with magnet separators in an effort to get rid of contaminants as soon as feasible. Certain facilities may additionally use magnetic separators at the beginning, middle, and conclusion of a process.

A facility must contain at least one magnetic separator in either scenario. A successful firm must also eliminate pollutants since customers desire a clean environment.

Where In Malaysia Can I Get Magnetic Separators?

A reputable magnet maker is Sematic Magnet. We are engaged in the development, design, manufacture, and research & development of a range of the following items, including:

  • Magnetic separators that are permanent
  • Products with permanent magnets for industry
  • Tools with magnets
  • Electromagnets
  • Supplementary magnetic equipment

For the majority of industries, we offer standard and custom-made Permanent Magnetic Separators to draw and remove minute iron particles from wet or dry processing lines. Many of the industries are:

  • Drinks and food
  • Individual care
  • Pharmaceutical

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