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Planning a Funeral in Singapore: Steps to Take After the Passing of a Loved One

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The loss of a loved one is almost always traumatic, whether it be unexpected or expected. But, even while they grieve, the surviving family members have a lot of obligations. Knowing what to do will assist reduce the tension while dealing with the intense emotions. We've created this article to explain how to be ready for a funeral in Singapore because of this. Let's get going!

STEP 1: Get the Digital Death Certificate


Contact your family physician or a nearby physician who is willing to make a house call to certify the death if your loved one passed away at home. * Once you (or the next-of-kin) have the doctor's digital death certificate number, do download the digital death certificate from the My Legacy portal as soon as you can. This is due to the certificate's limited download window of only 30 days. The downloaded certificate can be kept on your personal devices.

To have the body transported to the Mortuary@HSA in a police hearse, you must call the police if the doctor cannot certify the cause of death or if you are unable to reach one at all. The cause of death and if an autopsy is required will be determined by the coroner at the mortuary. The body will be ready for you to pick up the following day, on average.


If the cause of death is known and natural, the doctor who cared for your loved one will certify it. You will then be given the digital death certificate number, which you must use to download the digital death certificate from the My Legacy site, much like when a death occurs at home. If you have trouble using the portal, you can ask the medical staff for assistance.

The hospital will contact the police to have the body transported to the Mortuary@HSA if the doctor is unable to certify the death.


You must notify the appropriate foreign authorities about the death of a loved one who passed away overseas. To assist you with this, you might want to get in touch with a Singapore Overseas Mission.

You'll need to hire funeral directors from both this nation and the one your loved one is in to bring the body back to Singapore. The procedure is summarized as follows:


You are able to hire a funeral director right now thanks to the digital death certificate. The funeral director will help with the body's collection, send it for embalming if necessary, and make sure it gets to the wake place securely, among other things (which brings us to the next point).

STEP 3: Prepare for the wake and funeral.

In Singapore, how are funeral arrangements made? You and your family must first come to an understanding on a number of issues; don't worry, your funeral director will be there to assist you.

  • Location: Wakes can be hosted in funeral homes, condo complexes, and landed properties, as well as on void decks and inside their grounds. Each has benefits and drawbacks of its own. Consider a wake at the void deck. Although it's easy for your family to wash up or rest there, you'll need someone to be on duty constantly unless you hire a night guard from the funeral home because the location cannot be locked.
  • Duration: Direct cremation or burial are two options; a wake is not required. However, if you want a wake service, it can last for three to seven days.
  • Open- or closed-casket: An open-casket funeral gives loved ones one last opportunity to be seen by them. Some people think that doing this enables them to grieve and accept their loss. But, for these types of funerals, the body must be embalmed. On the other hand, if you want to keep your loved one's memory as it is, you could choose a closed-casket funeral where embalming is not necessary.
  • The type of wake and funeral rites that are performed are frequently dictated by religious beliefs. The wake and funeral might also be expensive, inexpensive, or anywhere in between, depending on your budget. In order to ensure that all families, regardless of their financial situation, receive a respectful send-off for their loved ones, funeral parlour in singapore offer a range of funeral packages from which to choose.
  • Choose to be cremated or buried: It's no secret that, in our land-scarce nation, cremation has emerged as the preferred choice. Following cremation, the urn and cremated remains may be preserved in a columbarium or even at home. At the Garden of Peace, the ashes may also be spread at sea or ashore. Keepsake jewelry is becoming more and more popular these days. You can carry a piece of handcrafted jewelry made of your choice plus a small amount of your loved one's ashes wherever you go.

In the event that you choose to have your loved one buried, it's crucial to understand that the burial time is about 15 years at most. The body will next be unearthed and burned in a fire.

There you have it, then! This short guide to Singaporean funerals is intended to be helpful. We'll discuss the importance of creating your own final farewell next. Keep an eye on Funeral Insider!

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