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What are the 18 Key Elements of PPAP?

What are the 18 Key Elements of PPAP?

The PPAP means Production Part Approval Process. PPAP is the process of production to ensure that the parts they produce are based on the consumer’s satisfaction and of the highest quality. By ensuring that suppliers can regularly supply parts free of defects and meet the necessary quality requirements, PPAP guarantees quality.

Important for the aerospace and automotive industries, businesses need to complete seven documents for PPAP:


  •         Product details
  •         Samples of the component
  •         Production procedure
  •         Inspection procedure
  •         Superior scheme
  •         A little history
  •         Form for supplier approval

Key Elements of PPAP

There are eighteen components in the process, all of which are critical to guaranteeing the product's quality. Among the 18 essential components of PPAP are:

  • Documentation for Design: An essential component of the production process is the design documentation. It includes every component of the product that needs to be inflated by the findings of the inspection. This guarantees that the product will fulfil all market demands, allowing the business to sell it and profit from the market.
  • Analysis of Design Failure Mode and Effects (DFMEA): During the design phase, the DFMEA method aids in identifying potential failure modes and their implications for the system or product. The design team uses this information to lessen or eliminate any potential causes of failure.
  • Diagram of Process Flow: A process is represented graphically using a process flow diagram, often known as a process pap. It acts as a tool to promote comprehension of the procedure and communication. It includes processing steps to make sure it has followed the correct procedure.
  • Analysis of Process Failure Mode and Effects (PFMEA): Identifying the preventive measures that may be implemented to stop these failures is how the process of Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (PFMEA) analyses and finds possible risks during the production process.
  • Master Copy: To teach the production crew about subjective inspections, master samples are utilised. The supplier or consumer signs it after that.
  • Examining the Aids: Checking aids are used in manufacturing to measure, test, and examine parts as they are being assembled. These tools include a part list, a tool description, and a tool calibration schedule.
  • Specific Needs of the Customer: Customers can specify their unique needs for the PPAP in this area of the specifications for the PPAP. This makes it possible to customise PPAP to meet each customer's unique requirements and expectations.
  • Results of Dimensional Lay Outing: A list of the product's specifications, features, and measurement outcomes is called a dimensional layout result. Additionally, it offers an evaluation that indicates if the dimension "passed" or "failed." Typically, each product has a minimum of six report items.
  • Control Plan: Control Plan In line with PFMEA, the control plan offers comprehensive project information, including how potential problems are tested during the assembly and final stages.
  • Examination of Measurement Systems: One method for calculating a process's variability is measurement system analysis. The mean and standard deviation will be provided by the analysis to aid in your understanding of your workflow.
  • Production Parts Samples: A sample manufacturing parts document shows pictures of the parts that are part of the product as well as their storage locations.
  • Records of Performance and Materials: All tests that have been performed on the part shall be documented including the pass or fail inspection results.
  • Documentation of Engineering Change: Engineering Change Documentation (ECD) is used to keep a record of all engineering modifications that are carried out, together with the change's history and justification.
  • Approval of Customer Engineering: Giving items to consumers with customer engineering clearance allows them to contribute to the product's development, making it better and more useful.
  • Warrant Form for Part Submission: An overview of the whole PPAP Package can be found in the Part Submission Warrant (PSW). It is required to include each part number unless the buyer has indicated otherwise.
  • Preliminary Process Investigations: An approach for examining a product or service's efficiency is called an initial process study (IPS). An organisation that wants to collect information on how a new product or service is initially used may decide to carry out an "Initial Process Study" (IPS). An organisation can use this report to learn more about the performance of their product.
  • Appropriate Laboratory Records: Any lab certification used in validation testing is considered qualified laboratory paperwork. This certification attests to the labs' compliance with industry norms and specifications.
  • Report on Appearance Approval: The appearance approval report attests to the customer's assessment that the finished product meets all appearance requirements required by the design. The report covers fit (gaps between sections), colour, texturing, and other aspects.

Learn More About PPAP Training

Punyam Academy's online PPAP Implementer Training course provides comprehensive knowledge of the 18 key elements, PPAP submission levels, and requirements for PPAP submission. The course, designed by experts in automotive, aerospace, and other manufacturing industries, aims to enhance career prospects in PPAP implementation and submission. PPAP is essential for manufacturing quality products, meeting IATF 16949: 2016 requirements, and is beneficial in other industries. The course is convenient for those who prefer learning from home or office.


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