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Can I Add More Lights to My Existing Landscape Lighting System?

Dawn Russell
Can I Add More Lights to My Existing Landscape Lighting System?

It is absolutely possible to add additional fixtures to your existing landscape lighting system, but there are a number of factors that first need to be considered.

What size is your transformer?

The size of your transformer is an essential factor to determine how many lights you can add to your existing system. A larger transformer can handle more lights than a smaller one.

Let's take the example of a 150 watt transformer. Typically, a halogen lamp requires 20 watts of power. Therefore, a 150 watt transformer can support up to 150 watts of lamps. This means you could add a maximum of 140 watts or 7 halogen lamps to this transformer.

However, it is important to note that putting 140 watts of power onto a 150 watt transformer is pushing it to its limits. Ideally, a transformer should not exceed 80% of its maximum capacity. For a 150 watt transformer, that would be around 120 watts of power, allowing for a maximum of 6, 20 watt lamps.

The reason for not exceeding 80% of the transformer's capacity is to avoid tripping and constant resetting of the transformer. In addition, running the transformer at high capacity can lead to overheating and potential damage. If your current transformer is nearing maximum capacity, it is recommended to upgrade to a larger one.

However, upgrading to a larger transformer is not always the solution to adding more lights.

Even if you have a smaller transformer, you can still add more lights if only half of its capacity is currently being utilized. This means there is room to add more lights without the need to upgrade the transformer.

Another option to consider if your transformer has reached its maximum capacity is to add an additional transformer. This allows you to break your lighting system into different zones, with one transformer controlling the backyard and the other controlling the front.

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Is your current system Halogen or LED?

If your current system is halogen, there's good news. By retrofitting your halogen lighting system to LED, you can free up space on your transformer for additional LED lamps.

When you retrofit a halogen system to LED, the size of the transformer becomes less of an issue because LED lamps use less power than halogen lamps.

For example, a typical halogen MR16 lamp requires 20 watts, whereas a typical LED MR16 lamp only requires 4 watts of power. There are even LED lamps that consume as little as 1.5 watts of power.

By retrofitting your halogen system to LED and replacing the existing fixtures, you can add nearly three times the number of lights that your transformer could previously support.

However, if you have an LED system with a fully maxed transformer, you won't be able to add any more lights to that transformer. In this case, you will need to upgrade to a larger transformer or add an additional transformer, depending on your individual situation.

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Have questions?

If you have questions about where to add new lights or whether you can add more lights to your landscape lighting system, it is recommended to consult with a lighting designer. They have years of experience in the outdoor lighting industry and can provide guidance on adding additional lights and the best way to make it happen.

To learn more about adding more lights to improve your outdoor living space, you can contact us at (801)440-7647 to schedule a free consultation or fill out a contact form. Landscape Lighting Pro of Utah is located in Midvale and serves residential areas throughout Utah, including Salt Lake City, Park City, Draper, Davis, and Utah Counties. Our outdoor lighting portfolio includes projects across Utah and beyond.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I add more lights to my existing landscape lighting system?

Yes, it is possible to add more lights to your existing landscape lighting system. However, you need to consider the size of your transformer and whether your system is halogen or LED.

What is the maximum load capacity of a transformer?

The maximum load capacity of a transformer determines how many lights it can support. It is recommended to not exceed 80% of the transformer's maximum capacity to avoid tripping and overheating.

Can I add more lights if my transformer is already at maximum capacity?

If your transformer has reached its maximum capacity, you can either upgrade to a larger transformer or add an additional transformer to create different lighting zones.

Can I retrofit my halogen lighting system to LED?

Yes, by retrofitting your halogen lighting system to LED, you can free up space on your transformer and add more LED lamps.

Should I consult with a lighting designer?

Consulting with a lighting designer is highly recommended. They have the expertise and experience to guide you on adding more lights and optimizing your landscape lighting system.

Dawn Russell
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