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The 10 IT trends to take into account in 2024 for your information system

Sparkout Tech Marketing
The 10 IT trends to take into account in 2024 for your information system

Thanks to the rise of digital technology, the enterprise software development company has progressed significantly. Companies now have access to advanced technologies. This allows them to improve their IT strategy . Discover in this guide 10 IT trends that you should adopt for your organization's information system.

1. Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Technological advances have contributed to the development of many companies. Artificial intelligence (AI) has become indispensable for companies in all sectors. Its potential uses are becoming democratized as digital technology develops. Thanks to this technology, understanding natural language is becoming easier. Machines are now more sophisticated and can perform certain tasks that were previously only intended for humans.

The emergence of cloud computing and big data has favored the evolution of AI. This has given rise to the concept of machine learning. Machines are capable of learning by themselves, based on precise algorithms. Using these algorithms, data management can be automated. This facilitates decision making within a company. AI is therefore proving to be an important asset for IT departments. Any modern company would undoubtedly benefit from its adoption.

2. Reinforced cybersecurity

Every year, many companies fall victim to cyber attacks. These external attacks are intensifying as software development solutions advances. They can lead to loss of company data, damage to information systems, and even tarnish reputations. Cybersecurity is a set of tools, processes and laws established to prevent these situations.

It is about implementing effective strategies to protect an organization's devices, networks, programs and information against cyber attacks. Reinforced cybersecurity allows data to be protected in real time. It's one of the new security approaches your company should adopt this year.

3. Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the interconnection between the web and objects. The IoT ecosystem is made up of objects that use sophisticated computer systems, or that are simply compatible with the web. 

This can be done with or without human-machine interaction. Thanks to IoT, companies will find it easier to process their information. Machines can connect to each other and access information in real time. This means that tasks and processes can be automated. This reduces labor costs while improving productivity.

4. Blockchain and smart contracts

The creation of smart contracts on blockchain is one of the technological trends to follow in 2024. These digital agreements are stored in a database and are executed automatically when predefined conditions are met. Smart contracts are one of the custom enterprise software development advances that facilitate decision making within an organization. The idea is to automate the execution of an agreement without having to go through intermediaries. It's an effective way to save time and ensure your wishes are respected.

5. Cloud computing and SaaS services

Computer technology is booming. Cloud computing is very trendy this year. The concept consists of hosting and relocating your company's computer servers. These are stored on the web. As a result, data can be accessed at any time and from anywhere in the world via an Internet connection.

Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions are a branch of cloud computing, which makes it easier to manage your information.

6. Process automation

A company's activities are governed by clearly defined business processes. Certain manual tasks must be performed for the organization to remain competitive. Although essential, these operations are often difficult to perform and generate very little value. Process automation is an interesting solution in this case.

The goal of this technological approach is to have a robot (artificial intelligence) perform the different tasks of your business processes. Process automation improves the efficiency of daily activity. It allows you to increase speed and reduce the margin of error. It is an enterprise solutions development trend that should continue in 2024.

7. Edge computing

Edge computing is defined as an optimization method performed in the cloud. In this case, the information is processed at the edge of the network or near the data source. With edge computing, users can benefit from reliable and faster services. By opting for this solution, companies can benefit from the flexibility of a hybrid cloud. This allows them to exploit and distribute resources between different platforms in real time.

8. Augmented reality and virtual reality

Virtual reality and augmented reality are two terms used in the metaverse. A metaverse refers to a fictional world in which virtual spaces are accessible through exchanges between users. Virtual reality is a new computer technology that allows you to create a universe with which users can interact. It simulates the physical presence of the user in an environment artificially created by a computer program.

Augmented reality can be defined as a superposition of reality in real time, implemented by a computer system. Augmented reality and virtual reality are currently used by many companies to improve customer satisfaction. 

9. 5G and advanced connectivity

Officially launched in France in 2020, the 5G mobile network already promised a better future. The construction of new infrastructure and the design of the first smartphones equipped with this technology have confirmed this. The 5G network is already a reality for both sector agents and consumers. It offers better connectivity, making navigation a piece of cake.

Innovators continue to work hard to optimize the performance of this technology. The coming years will undoubtedly see the most significant advances in 5G. Every modern company is destined to adopt it if it has not already done so.

10. Data management and confidentiality

The rise of custom business software development means that modern organizations have to make use of enormous amounts of data. This does not protect them from the risks of information loss and confidentiality problems. Fortunately, technological advances have not yet reached their peak. Today there are many innovative ways to protect the confidentiality of your data. These solutions are available to everyone, but you have to choose the one that best suits your needs if you want to obtain good results.

Technology is ubiquitous and continues to evolve over time. The numerous innovations in this field have revolutionized the management of your company's information system (IS). Therefore, you must stay up to date to ensure the long-term future of your company

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