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How to organise and Carry out a Spring Cleaning Sydney


As winter fades and summer approaches, Australian households engage in a spring cleaning ritual to rejuvenate their living spaces and create a fresh and healthy indoor environment. But organising and carrying out this process can be timeconsuming and tedious.

Cleaning services can help with this task and ensure a clean and healthy work environment. They follow a step-by-step approach and provide professional results.

1.       Deep Clean the Kitchen

The kitchen is often one of the dirtiest places in any home. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and not thoroughly clean areas like the fridge, microwave or sink. This can lead to harmful bacteria and viruses.

This is why it’s important to deep clean your kitchen regularly, including wiping down the oven, cleaning the microwave and sanitising the sink. Other areas that may be cleaned include the bench tops, splashback, door frames and skirting boards. Cobwebs are removed and the floor is vacuumed and damp mopped.

Having a clean and organised living space can significantly improve health, mood and wellbeing. Creating a regular cleaning routine can make the task much less daunting and easier to manage. A tidy living environment also allows for better food storage and organisation.

2.       Clean the Bathroom

Having a clean and sanitary bathroom is not only great for hygiene, but also for your mood. That’s why it’s important to sanitise your bathroom regularly throughout the year. While surface cleaning is a must every week, it’s best to give your bathroom a thorough deep clean once a year.

Start by picking up any items on the floor (towels, bath rugs) and putting them in a hamper. Clear out any trash and wash the garbage disposal and drain cover.

While spring cleaning sydney can be daunting, it’s important to get it done so you can feel fresh and organised. If you’re struggling to find the time to do your spring clean, contact a professional cleaning service in Sydney. They will follow a custom checklist to leave your home looking and feeling fresh.

3.       Clean the Bedroom

The bedroom is a personal space that should be clean and comfortable. Start with washing your sheets, pillowcases, and mattress protectors. Put away clean blankets and pillows. Dust everything visible, including pictures and frames, light fixtures, doors, and window treatments. Remove cobwebs from the ceiling fan and vacuum and wipe surfaces.

Keep a cleaning schedule that works for your lifestyle to maintain a clean and organised living space throughout the year. This helps you declutter and enjoy your inner west Sydney apartment more often. Make sure you have all the cleaning products and equipment you need, and work one room at a time. This will save you time, prevent distractions and give you a sense of accomplishment as each room is transformed. This will also help you avoid burnout.

4.       Clean the Living Room

Your living room gets daily use and is likely to be cluttered with food crumbs, dirty shoes, pet hairs, discarded toys and more. Cleaning it requires regular wiping and mopping of surfaces and floors as well as a thorough spring cleaning services every six to eight weeks.

Begin by emptying and reorganizing all the surfaces in your living room such as coffee tables, side tables and bookshelves. Once you’re done, vacuum the floor and rugs and return items to their proper places.

Next, dust the ceiling and wall corners as well as all light fixtures and remove cobwebs from the ceiling fan. Also, clean doorknobs and switch-plates. Lastly, clean all the framed photographs and art in your living room as well as the doormats and rugs.

5.       Clean the Dining Room

The dining room takes a lot of beatings from food and drink that often fall and get onto surfaces. Regular wiping with a natural, multi-purpose cleaner kills germs and keeps the table and chairs hygienic.

Start by scanning the room to identify any clutter that needs addressing. This could be stacks of mail, random items on the chairs or things that belong in other rooms of the house. Remove these from the dining area, put them away and clean the furniture and surfaces.

Use a microfiber cloth and spray to quickly wipe down all surfaces, including the table and chairs. Be sure to clean the tablecloth and any additional storage furniture such as a buffet. Wipe from top to bottom to ensure everything is thoroughly cleaned.

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