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Repair QuickBooks desktop doesn’t start or won’t open

Sophia Martin

Are you facing any difficulty in opening your QuickBooks desktop? If yes, then this blog can work wonders for you. Today’s blog post is entirely focused on the issue-QuickBooks desktop doesn’t start or won’t open. There can be a number of reasons that might prevent the QuickBooks software from opening properly.


Well, need not worry, as there can be manifold possibilities to fix this QuickBooks wont open issue that we will be discussing in this blog. You can also discuss the issue with our QuickBooks support team by dialing our toll-free number. Our team will provide you with round the clock assistance in tackling this issue.


Causes of QuickBooks not opening error

·       Company file name exceeds the limit

·       QBWUSER.INI file gets damaged or missing somehow

·       The hard drive gets corrupted somehow


Reboot your PC

·       Head to the Start menu and hit on the Power button.

·       Afterward, choose the Restart option.

·       After the restart is complete, open QuickBooks desktop and check if the error still stands its ground.


By following the above enumerated steps, the QuickBooks users can get rid of the issue of QuickBooks not opening. However, if by any chance the error continues to trouble you, then feel free to talk to our QuickBooks error support team and discuss the issue via our toll-free number i.e., 1-800-761-1787. Our team of experts will ensure to provide you the best possible service in a single call.

Sophia Martin
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