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QuickBooks Error C=1304: File Repair and Data Recovery

Sophia Martin

Fix QuickBooks error code c=1304: file repair & data recovery appears when the QuickBooks user tries to install the application on the workstation. This type of error is also known as Installation error, and generally a message pop-up on the screen stating the error code. If you are also stuck with this error code, then this blog might be helpful for you. In case you are seeking for expert assistance, you can get in touch with our QuickBooks support team by dialing our toll-free number (800)761-1787. Our team of experts and certified QuickBooks ProAdvisors will help you in getting of such error in no time.


What causes such error?

·       In case the QuickBooks Installation CD damaged.

·       Or if there is any corruption or damage in Microsoft .Net component.

·       In case the CD Drive isn’t running in a proper manner.

·       Microsoft components gets damaged or corrupted. 

How to fix QuickBooks C= 1304?

Use installation CD and resolve the error, by following the simple steps enumerated below:

·       The first step is to eject the CD drive of the computer and then place the QB Installation CD.

·       Once done with that, the user is required to exit the installer, if the installer runs on its own.

·       The user is then required to click the Windows and Start button, in order to navigate the Explorer.

·       After that, built a new folder with the name QBInstall on the desktop itself.

·       The next step is to copy the installation files from the CD drive and then paste the file in the folder. 

Following the above solutions might help the QuickBooks users to get rid of the error. However, if the error persists, the user can simply get in touch with our QuickBooks support team, by dialing our toll-free number +1(800)761-1787. We own a pool of experts and certified QuickBooks professionals, who will help you to get rid of the problem in a single call. 

Sophia Martin
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