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10 Foods That Keep Your Arteries Clean🌿🌿

Biocity Healthcare
10 Foods That Keep Your Arteries Clean🌿🌿

1. Garlic 

Garlic is very beneficial for reducing blood pressure and treating clogged arteries. According to studies, garlic can help treat and prevent atherosclerosis and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes by 50%.  

2. Sesame seeds 

Consume sesame seeds to unclog arteries and prevent atherosclerosis. It is considered that sesame seeds are rich in fatty acids, which hinder the formation of atherosclerosis lesions and reduce high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.  

3. Turmeric 

Turmeric is beneficial for reducing high cholesterol and preventing plaque accumulation in the arteries. It possesses numerous health benefits. Due to its high content of curcumin, turmeric can treat heart diseases. 

4. Ginger 

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties, gingerols and shogaols, compounds found in ginger, can prevent plaque accumulation and reduce the risk of heart diseases. Moreover, they can help unclog arteries and reduce cholesterol levels.  

5. Cinnamon 

Cinnamon is beneficial for treating atherosclerosis and reduce the risk of heart disease. A 2003-study showed that daily consumption of cinnamon can lower high levels of triglycerides, cholesterol, and glucose.  

6. Pomegranate juice 

Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants and punic acid, which can help unclog arteries, prevent plaque formation, and treat atherosclerosis.  

 7. Lemon 

Lemon can help reduce cholesterol levels and prevent oxidative damage. Due to its high content of vitamin C, lemon can relieve inflammation, reduce high levels of cholesterol, prevent platelet aggregation, and enhance arteries.  

8. Fermented cabbage 

Studies confirmed that fermented cabbage can significantly treat atherosclerosis.  

9. Cayenne pepper 

Cayenne pepper is rich in capsaicin, which is beneficial for heart health. Moreover, it enhances blood circulation, reduces high levels of cholesterol, and lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes. It can also prevent vascular and pulmonary complications related to HAART drugs.  

10. Ground flaxseeds

Ground flaxseeds are rich in fiber that can unclog arteries. Moreover, flaxseeds contain alpha-linoleic acid, which relieves inflammation and reduces high blood pressure.

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Biocity Healthcare
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