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Good guide to fix Orbi Blue Light

Gracie Rose
Good guide to fix Orbi Blue Light

When the solid blue light on your Orbi indicates that your satellite and router are in sync, you are ready to go online. When it becomes lodged in Orbi blue light, the issue occurs. It also vanishes very quickly. This may occur even if your internet is functioning properly. This is due to a variety of factors, all of which indicate the same problem. This indicates that there is a problem with the satellite connection to your router. Restarting or power cycling the Orbi is required to resolve the blue light.

Reasons of Orbi Blue Light?

There are various reasons for the Orbi blue light so it is also crucial to fix them properly.

  • There is a random glitch in the operation.
  • There is a problem with the firmware or it is not up-to-date.
  • The software also contains some errors.
  • The speed of your internet may be slow or weak.

It is vital to fix Orbi blue light issues quickly so you can easily use your device properly. 

Some Way to fix Orbi Blue Light

It is always better to use the best ways to fix the Orbi blue light issue. You can use the below methods to solve the blue light problem. 

Change the Orbi Location 

Place your Orbi devices in the correct places, even if you're not aware of this fact. When placing your router and satellite within the proper range, you can pass quality WiFi signals through walls. Orbi satellites are needed to place between 3 and 4 feet above ground. The Orbi router and satellite should be separated by 60–75 feet for optimal connectivity. It is best to place the router and satellite on different floors and at opposite corners of a two-story house. After this, you can check whether Orbi blue light is solved or not. 

Check Damaged Cables 

The Orbi's blue light can remain on forever due to a faulty cable or port, making the whole network connection unstable and non-functional. It is as important to keep the cables in good condition as the router and satellite. Make sure the cable is properly connected on both ends. Ensure that the cable is not damaged or moist. On the port, see if dust or water has accumulated. 

Reset your Orbi Device

You need to reset your Orbi to factory settings if it shows blue light but no internet connectivity. You will lose your password and personal settings if you reset the device. You can check out the below steps to reset your Orbi device. 

  • Connect your power source to your Orbi device and turn it on.
  • Reset the device by finding its reset button.
  • It is important to use a thin pointed object such as a paperclip to press and hold the button.
  • You should stop when you see the Orbi LED blinking in amber.
  • You have successfully reset your device.

See if the Orbi blue light issue is resolved by re-syncing the satellite with the router. 

Wrapping Up 

You can use the above-mentioned steps to solve the Orbi blue light issue. It is also important for users to follow all the steps perfectly to quickly fix the issue.

Gracie Rose
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