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Common and Severe Bladder Problems

Madhuban Kidney
Common and Severe Bladder Problems
Bladder problems can affect people of all ages and can range from minor annoyances to serious health issues. Common issues like urinary tract infections and overactive bladder can often be treated with simple remedies, while more severe conditions like bladder stones and bladder cancer require medical intervention. It is essential to understand the different types of bladder problems and their symptoms to help you recognise when it's time to seek help and what treatments might be available. This guide will explain some of the most common and severe bladder problems in easy-to-understand terms.


What is a bladder?


The urinary bladder is a hollow, spherical-shaped structure that stores urine. For most people, it can contain 500-700 mL (approximately two cups) of urine. When you need to use the restroom, the muscles in your bladder contract (tighten) while the sphincter muscles in your urethra relax, allowing pee to exit your body.


The bladder is part of the urinary system.


Common bladder problems


These are some of the common bladder problems:


Urinary tract infections (UTI)


Meaning: A urinary tract infection, or UTI, occurs when germs enter your urinary tract--kidneys, bladder, or urethra. Every year, more than 8.1 million people seek medical attention for urinary tract infections. Approximately 60% of women and 12% of men will experience at least one UTI over their lives.

Symptoms: redness, irritation, pain in your lower abdomen or pelvic area, Burning or pain when urinating

Causes: Usually caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract.

Treatment: A mild UTI is treatable with a short course of antibiotics. Most uncomplicated urinary tract infections can be treated with a short course of a suitable antibiotic. However, some infections may require lengthier treatment. You may also need to be hospitalised in case of severe infections.


Overactive Bladder (OAB):


Meaning: Overactive bladder, or OAB, creates unexpected desires to urinate that can be difficult to manage. There may be a need to pass urine several times throughout the day and night. Urgency incontinence refers to the unintentional loss of pee.

Symptoms: sudden urge to urinate, urgency inconsistency, urinating more than 8 times in 24 hours, nocturia.

Causes: Often due to nerve signals causing bladder muscles to contract involuntarily.

Treatment: bladder training, maintaining a healthy weight, medication, and healthy lifestyle changes.


Urinary Incontinence


Meaning: Urinary incontinence occurs when a person leaks pee unintentionally. While urine incontinence, also known as overactive bladder, can affect anybody, it is more common in the elderly, particularly in women. Bladder control disorders can be embarrassing and cause people to avoid engaging in typical activities.

Symptoms: Coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercising might cause urine to leak. Feeling sudden, overwhelming cravings to pee. Urinate frequently. Waking up frequently at night to urinate. Urinating when asleep.

Causes: pregnancy, nerve damage, UTI, diabetes, bladder spasms.

Treatment: Pelvic floor exercises, limiting coffee and alcohol, and wearing absorbent undergarments may all assist in minimising urine incontinence. Bladder retraining, which involves progressively extending the duration between urinations, may also be beneficial.


Severe bladder problems


These are some of the severe bladder problems:


Bladder stones


Meaning: Bladder stones are hardened mineral aggregates that occur within the bladder. They occur when pee sits in your bladder for an extended period. The most common symptom is stomach pain, but it can also cause difficulty urinating. If you are unable to urinate out a bladder stone, a urologist can break it apart or remove it.

Symptoms: Abdominal pain, and pressure. Abnormally coloured or dark-coloured urine. Blood in the urine. Difficulty urinating. Frequent urge to urinate. Inability to urinate except in certain positions. Interruption of the urine stream. Pain, discomfort in the penis.

Causes: Concentrated urine can crystallise and create stones. Some infections might cause bladder stones. Bladder stones can form an underlying disorder that impairs the bladder's ability to contain, store, or remove urine. Any foreign elements found in the bladder are likely to generate bladder stones.

Treatment: A tiny telescope will be inserted via the urethra into the bladder. A laser or other instrument will be used to break up the stones, which will then be removed. Some stones may require open surgical removal. Dissolving the stones with drugs is uncommon.


Interstitial cystitis


Meaning: It is a persistent disorder that causes bladder pressure, pain, and occasionally pelvic pain. The pain might range from minor to severe. The disorder is part of a larger group of conditions known as painful bladder syndrome.

Symptoms: Chronic pelvic pain, frequent urination, urgent need to urinate, and pain during sex.

Causes: The cause of interstitial cystitis (IC) is uncertain. Researchers are investigating many theories to better understand the origins of IC and discover the best therapies. Most patients with IC find that specific foods exacerbate their symptoms.

Treatment: Lifestyle changes. Change your eating and drinking habits. Bladder training. Bowel training. Physical therapy. Medicines. Bladder instillation. Bladder stretching. Surgery.


Summing it up


Bladder problems can vary from minor inconveniences to serious health concerns. Recognising the symptoms and understanding the potential treatments can help you manage these issues more effectively. Whether it's a common condition like a urinary tract infection or something more severe like bladder cancer, early detection and treatment are essential.


If you experience any symptoms of bladder problems, such as frequent urination, pain during urination, or blood in your urine, don't ignore them. Contact Madhuban Kidney Care to discuss your symptoms and get the appropriate care. Taking action now can help prevent more serious issues in the future and improve your overall quality of life.

Madhuban Kidney
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