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What Does NDIS Offer under In-home Care?

Care Outlook
What Does NDIS Offer under In-home Care?

If you are less than 65 years old, depending on your home care package (if any), you might be eligible for receiving special assistance from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) program. The additional support and assistance from NDIS can significantly improve the quality of your life. There are plenty of organisations offering in home nursing care in Perth and if you are wondering how it works, here is a quick digest:

Receive care in the comfort of your home

Under its in home care services, NDIS provides the following assistive solutions:

  • Supportive technology and essential equipment - This includes rails, ramps, frames and other specialised equipment you might need to be safer in your home environment.
  • Dietary counselling and meal preparation - You get a helping hand for meal preparations, including washing, cutting and cooking different items as well as storing meals that are to be consumed later. 
  • Personal care - This consists of assistance with showering, dressing, grooming and personal hygiene. 
  • Basic house cleaning & laundry - With the help of a registered NDIS service provider in Perth, you can relieve yourself of house cleaning and laundry duties. You can also add gardening chores and maintenance to it if you want.
  • Medical necessities - In home care services can also take care of the expenses for a nurse who helps you with medication & wound management. 
  • Transportation - Transport required for specific things can be included in your package provided that you schedule in advance. In general, travelling from and to school, job or medical appointments are funded by NDIS. 

How to apply and get access to these services?

Some people prefer to undertake the application process on their own, but there can be complexities that you might not be aware of. It is better to partner with licensed NDIS providers in Perth who have enough experience and knowledge of different NDIS support services to help you navigate them with ease. They will be able to advise you on what’s best according to your daily requirements and special needs. So go ahead and start exploring the variety of benefits offered by NDIS in home care solutions.

Care Outlook
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