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Win the Case and Deliver an Impactful Trial Presentation

Case Crafter
Win the Case and Deliver an Impactful Trial Presentation

Case Crafter is the ultimate legal timeline and trial presentation software for lawyers. It streamlines the process of reviewing case documents, building powerful visual timelines, and presenting key evidence in court—all within a single, user-friendly platform. The software is tailored to enhance your case presentation by allowing you to highlight critical facts, annotate documents, and ensure that your arguments are clear and persuasive for both you and the jury.

Case Crafter's robust built-in editing tools make it easy to annotate documents with callouts, sticky notes, underlines, and more. Whether you're working with PDFs, images, videos, or audio files, this software supports a wide range of media formats, providing the flexibility you need to present your case effectively. It helps ensure that all relevant evidence is organized and accessible for a seamless trial experience.

One of the standout features of Case Crafter is its automatic Optical Character Recognition (OCR) functionality, which applies to all your documents. This enables fast, accurate full-text search, allowing you to quickly find key information and incorporate it into your case timeline. The ability to group and filter case facts with custom tags gives you greater control over your case and helps you focus on the most important details.

The interactive timeline feature provides a comprehensive chronological overview of your case, enabling you to organize facts and present them clearly and compellingly. This tool ensures that your case is well-structured and easy to communicate effectively in court.

Case Crafter
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