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WhatsApp for Customer Support Automation: Using WebMaxy Support

Adam Wilson
WhatsApp for Customer Support Automation: Using WebMaxy Support

In the digital era, customer support and customer service are the supreme keys.

Every customer anticipates proper and in-time support for the service or product he buys from a brand, in every corner of the world. To achieve the most satisfying customer support and customer service one can always think about going for automation.

Due to the scalability of users across more than 80 countries and ever-increasing features helpful for businesses, WhatsApp is the most identical messaging tool worldwide to provide customer support automation.

In this blog article, we will be exploring WhatsApp customer support automation, WhatsApp Support Chat and how WebMaxy Support automation.

First, we will discuss WhatsApp for Customer Support Automation.

What is Customer Support Automation?

Customer Support Automation consumes advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). These are the latest technologies today. This system automates redundant tasks in customer service and goes ahead of the traditional service model by assisting human agents.

Just think about a self-efficient support system that can step in for your team. It will be answering simple questions and redirecting customers to the right solutions. That’s the actual power of customer support automation. These tools can manage a wide range of interactions. They will be freeing up your team to address the more complex issues that truly need their expertise.

By automating routine or redundant tasks and providing instant answers, you can make your team free to resolve the challenging issues that truly matter. This saves valuable time and remarkably improves the overall customer experience.

Are You Tired of Manual Customer Support?

Automate your WhatsApp support with WebMaxy support

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Strategic Steps to Implement Customer Support Automation

As an organization, you need to have a systematic (strategic) approach to automate the customer support process.

  • Step 1
  • Define Your Objectives: It is vital to decide your right goal or objective to achieve If you planning to reduce response times, drop off the volume of tickets, improve customer satisfaction scores, or some other one.
  • This transparency will decide your further journey.
  • Step 2
  • Recognize Redundant Tasks: Redundant tasks take up a significant portion of your support team’s time and often do not require decision-making. Also, by identifying these tasks, you can come to know which areas of your customer service process can have the automation advantage for highest results.
  • Step 3
  • Select the Right Tools:Various customer support automation software exists in the market; each offers unique features. Check these tools carefully and select the right one suitable to fulfill your objective and do the required automation for the selected tasks.

Benefits of Customer Support Automation

Customer Support Automation has a plethora of benefits:

Use of WhatsApp In Customer Support Automation

WhatsApp with its technological features has come up with many ways to automate processes like customer support and customer service.

WhatsApp Support Chatbots

AI-powered WhatsApp chatbot has become the most suitable tool in customer support automation. Programmers design these chatbots to imitate human conversations. Chatbots promptly reply to customer queries and can also divert complex questions to human agents. Uniting platforms like WhatsApp Support has further improved the reach of these chatbots.

This feature enables businesses to offer regular, round-the-clock customer support.

WebMaxy Support includes automated chatbots for customer support.

Support Tickets

WhatsApp Automation for support tickets is also an excellent example of technical based customer support. Ticketing systems can classify and allot tickets to the right agents based on pre-set criteria like the type of the issue, location of the customer, or the agent’s skill set.

This automatic allocation makes a speedy resolution and improves the support team’s efficiency.

Respond to FAQ

You can create auto replies to frequent queries (FAQs) with Machine learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). This method helps customers instantly. These customer service and support automation tools assess customer inquiries.

Then, they pull responses from an earlier knowledge base. This process consumes measurable time and effort.

Advantages of WebMaxy Support

The integration of WebMaxy WhatsApp Commerce has extreme effects on customer support operations.

Here’s how it works:

So, this solution works as an economical, cost-saving solution for all types of businesses.

How Does Automation for WebMaxy Support Work?

WebMaxy Support offers automation features like Quick replies and Chatbot automation.

Let us refer to our feature of auto replies here. It is the most usable automated feature offered by WebMaxy.

You can follow below steps to automate quick replies here:

➤ Open or Login WebMaxy application or Website.

➤ Then, go to Helpdesk Menu and select ‘Quick reply’ submenu.

➤ Create a new Quick reply with a click on the Add button.

➤ In the Add Quick Reply window you can type your required reply message.

➤ Click on the Save button and the template to edit will be visible on the left side window.

➤ All saved messages are visible in the form of templates, and you may select upon their frequent usage.

➤ For example, if you are getting frequently the message – “Hi” then you can create your response message in the template section by editing the same template of Quick reply. So, we can create a reply like “Thank you for reaching out. How can I Asist you today?”

➤ You can save this template for your frequent use of “Hi” query.

The Message Template will be as follows:

➤ You can create different auto reply message templates for various use cases like Query, Resolve, Update, Details, Help, Test etc. and store them as templates.

➤ To send the Quick reply, you need to go to the Inbox section from WebMaxy Dashboard.

➤ In this INBOX Section, you will get the stored templates as per the type of frequent messages like Hi, Query, Details etc.

➤ You need to copy the required one, and past the same for the desired contact of WhatsApp (the chosen WhatsApp no, you need to send the Quick reply) and click on the Arrow to send.


In a customer- centric age, customer support automation could be the turning point that transforms your business distinctive from competitors. Tools like WebMaxy build businesses with a simple, effective, and cost-saving pathway to automate their customer support and service, allowing outstanding service.

Starting with automation gives businesses a boost in their efficiency, cost cutting, and develops positive customer experiences. As we all know, a satisfied customer is the soul of any business strategy to develop a successful business journey.

For all the automation queries, system requirements and WhatsApp Support chat, you can mail to us on: info@webmaxy.co.

Adam Wilson
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