An inexpensive substitute for hardwood flooring is vinyl flooring. A variety of colours and wood types are available, and installation is simple. If properly maintained, it can endure for many years. However, having pets can make it difficult to maintain this slick flooring. Everyone knows how many mishaps our favourite pets can have.
Unfortunately, vinyl flooring is more vulnerable to deterioration than the hardwood flooring it is modelled after. Fortunately, pet pee can be removed from vinyl plank flooring in a number of methods without doing more harm. You can use enzyme cleaners or home treatments.
Considerations for Cleaning Vinyl Flooring:
Here are some vital safety measures to remember before we get into the detailed procedure. Pet urine isn't the only thing that can harm your flooring—your cleaning methods can also cause damage. With any luck, following safety measures can prevent more damage to your vinyl flooring.
Act Quickly:
Efficient cleanup is crucial, regardless of whether the event occurred on your hardwood floors or your carpet. This stops stains and lingering smells. Pets utilize scent to determine where to relieve themselves. You will be encouraging your pet to return to the area to relieve themselves if you leave their excrement on your flooring.
Chemical Cleansers:
It helps to use a little discretion when choosing chemical cleaners for vinyl flooring. Select a brand that is made especially for the kind of flooring you have to prevent damaging it.
Do Not Combine Vinegar and Bleach:
If used separately, vinegar and bleach work wonders to remove even the most stubborn stains. It's simple to believe that combining them will enhance their flavour. Regretfully, this isn't the situation. Chlorine gas can be produced when vinegar and bleach are mixed.
Steam Mops:
Steam mops make cleaning unpleasant spills easy, but it's better to avoid using steam on vinyl flooring. In addition to causing heat-related damage to the boards, certain steam mops also employ chemical solutions to facilitate cleaning. To be safe, use a hoover or brush instead.
These days, the majority of items have warranties, and vinyl flooring is no exception. Read the manufacturer's directions carefully before attempting to clean up spills. This will protect you from inadvertently nullifying the guarantee.
How to Remove Pet Messes from Vinyl Floors:
Urine from pets can be removed from vinyl plank flooring in three different methods. Fresh puddles can be cleaned up and odours can be avoided with the help of enzyme cleansers or white vinegar. We also discuss how to remove stains from the past.
1. Enzyme Cleaners:
Enzyme cleansers employ bacteria and enzymes to break down organic wastes like pet pee. They are safe to use around pets and environmentally friendly. The majority of surfaces, including vinyl flooring, are safe to use with them. Pet owners love enzyme cleaners since they may be found specifically designed to clean up messes caused by their furry friends.
Eliminate Extra Urine:
It's critical to immediately mop up your pet's urine. Gather many paper towels and utilize them to mop up the pee puddle. It should be possible to eradicate it entirely if you spot it early enough; the smell will only need to be eliminated.
Enzyme Cleaner:
To apply the product to the area you're cleaning, refer to the directions on the enzyme cleanser you choose. Allow it to sit for a few minutes for optimal effects.
Remove Cleaner:
The last step is to wipe the enzyme cleanser with an old rag. Avoid scrubbing the vinyl as this could lead to further deterioration.
2. White Vinegar:
White vinegar works wonders as an enzyme cleanser substitute if you've never heard of them or haven't had a chance to buy one from the shop. It is frequently used to remove stains and persistent smells, in addition to being a staple in most cleaning supplies cabinets.
Remove the Fresh Urine:
In order to avoid stains and a persistent odour, try to mop up as much of your pet's urine as you can. Wipe off any newly formed puddles with paper towels and discard.
Apply the vinegar:
This step is as simple as spritzing vinegar over the place your pet urinated on if you have a spray bottle. Make sure the location is soaked, so don't worry too much about how much you use. Before using paper towels to wipe up the vinegar, let it sit for ten to fifteen minutes.
Pat the Area Dry:
Pick up some paper towels that are dry. Before going on to the following step, make sure the area is totally dry.
Baking Soda:
Baking soda is a DIY solution for eliminating bad odours, whether they are already there or not. After the cleaned area dries fully, dust it with baking soda and hoover after ten to fifteen minutes.
Eliminating Urine Stains:
It takes a bit more effort to remove stains from old pee than it does to stop odours from sticking. Even after being removed, stains can still smell. Sadly, it's not always simple to avoid them, particularly if you spend the entire day at work.
Clean the Space:
You may be able to clean up any leftover pee if you were able to find the puddle in time. Clear the surrounding dust and other debris if the puddles are already dry.
Next, mix Vinegar, water, and dishwashing detergent:
Combine a gallon of water, vinegar, and dishwashing detergent. You don't have to stir too much because that can cause bubbles to emerge.
Clean Up the Stain:
Here, it's important to clean gently to avoid damaging your vinyl flooring with too much pressure. Thus, gently scrape the stain with the dishwashing detergent, vinegar, and water solution using a floor brush. Use clean water to rinse.
Rubbing Alcohol & Baking Soda:
Combine equal parts water and baking soda, then apply the paste to the stain for 15 to 20 minutes if the stain is still visible after the previous step. Once the paste has been gently scraped into the stain with the brush, dry the area with paper towels. Lastly, use alcohol to clean the area.