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Improving Project Performance by Effective Team Building

Harvesh Modh
Improving Project Performance by Effective Team Building

Teams are made of people, and people perform the activities, tasks and steps required to achieve the desired results.

People are so important to successful project completion that a savvy project manager’s most crucial job is building an effective and efficient team for the entire duration of the project.

The team building process consists of a comprehensive set of measures designed to bring together people with different knowledge, skills and personalities into a collaborative team.

Keep in mind that diversity can be as much an asset as a liability – and the team building process results in diversity becoming a valuable intangible asset for the group.

Think about positive face-to-face interactions in the office and project site during normal working days as well as during special team building activities (i.e., trainings, workshops and seminars).

Think about using technology to foster team building, such as emails, video conferencing, and group chats, all of which are of special importance to teams in different locations.

Harvesh Modh
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