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How Improved Design Can Increase Website Traffic?

Marcus Jensen
How Improved Design Can Increase Website Traffic?

How Improved Design Can Increase Website Traffic?

The million-dollar question in the online community is how to drive more internet traffic your way. People spend a great deal of time engaged in SEO, digital marketing, and other related activities. While this certainly pays off, one must not forget that the overall visual design is probably the first thing users notice once they land on your pages. It poses a great chance to make a striking first impression and pull people in via the art of visual storytelling.

Visual bliss

A human brain excels at processing visual cues, and the opinion about the website is usually formed in a split second. Moreover, the attention spans of today are quite shortened, and people do not always want to cope with a ton of text. They would rather watch a short video which breaks down key facts than go through the whole 2,000-word article. This suggests that the visual side has an immense power to capture people’s attention in an instant, making a difference between staying on and leaving the page.

The research shows that what matters the most when it comes to search engines are compatibility of design with the website category and low complexity. Content is still a king, but how you wrap it into visuals is the big part of its appeal. Moreover, visual solutions make the content more shareable and popular on booming social avenues. Hence, a swell web design must include a social button in every post, and make them visible enough for easy sharing, pinning, etc.

By the power of design

It is advisable to keep the design style simple and familiar. The platform you use for a website is an essential component of the visual design: It should be versatile enough to support your vision and permit customization. If you opt for WordPress to build a website, you will be able to explore a myriad of add-ons and templates that personalize your visual identity. This means you have to plan ahead and not let the design be an afterthought. Bear in mind that setting up a WordPress website can be a challenging task, especially for design newbies, so visit WP Millionaire to familiarize yourself with some of the basics.

Innovative and unconventional layouts are a double-edged sword, unless you know perfectly well what you are doing.  What visualizations should do is solve problems for people, not add more to the mix. Thus, it is best to select a limited number of basic colors. This is a way to achieve consistency of your branded environment, but also go easy on the visitor’s eyes. Likewise, it is a good idea to stick to lighter and pastel colors and to adhere to the principles of the color psychology.

Imagining success

The visuals must add to messages and posts on the website, not distract attention from them.  One good example comes in the form of images. They increase the likelihood of people viewing the post by 90%, and are an absolute must for any kind of online presence. A well-crafted photo always enhances articles, but the important thing is that it must convey the same core message the article bears. Note that there are a plethora of excellent online tools that allow you to achieve professional-like results.

Hosting and uploading images also gives you an additional traffic source, the image search. And since Pinterest represents a hub for visual content, you want to make sure your images are pinnable. Finally, invest time in producing video content, as it has an unprecedented viral potential. Much like images, videos can be added to articles and post, complementing them perfectly. They are one of the most valuable assets websites have, but do not neglect other handy elements such as infographics, logos and calls-to-action.  

Traffic lights

In the online world of today, one must generate a steady stream of high-quality content in order to step up the marketing game and acquire a higher volume of internet traffic. Visual aspect gives credibility, tells your company’s story in an approachable way, and establishes meaningful connections with fans and followers. Do not go for the sheer splendor - present your data visually and let it captivate visitors. Allow them to take in your content seamlessly and effortlessly, and you will be able to increase sharing and liking across social media, and widen your reach considerably.

Marcus Jensen
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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