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Three Important Features to Look at Before Buying a Fitness Tracker for Kids

Michael Jonathan
Three Important Features to Look at Before Buying a Fitness Tracker for Kids

Every now and then, marketers create ads that praise a product, putting it on the upper hand of its competitors. And that holds even if those products aren’t worth the glory. It’s the same case with activity trackers for children. While there is literally a plethora of options that you can burn your bucks on, make sure to look at the following features

1. Battery Life

Take it from me; some activity trackers have pathetic battery life. If you have had to charge a fitness wearable every two days then you know what I mean. Do not waste your money on cheap, fancy crap.

Go for a fitness tracker that promises a battery life of five days or more. The likes of Garmin are superb because they have a very long battery life.


2. Challenges for Kids

A number one rule when it comes to tracking your kid’s fitness activity is to remember that a child cannot be forced to stay on the move. It should be something they do naturally.

And that’s why LeapFrog LeapBand is a win here. Go for those 50 challenges that award a kid for taking part in fitness activities, and your kids will always be on the move.


 3. Time to Move

Every 60 minutes of inactivity is downright a sedentary life. While it seems normal to let a child play video games and watch TV for more than an hour, it is absolutely insane if they do not move at all. That’s why fitness trackers have Ready to Move Features. This helps a child to stay on the move after every one hour.

Michael Jonathan
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