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How to monetize our Instagram Clone app for iOS

sara murphy
How to monetize our Instagram Clone app for iOS

Update (19/09/2013): Our Instagram Clone Script is now up in the Apple AppStore.

So, while the actual product called Instagram, the world’s most successful photosharing mobile social network is still figuring out, how to monetize their users…an Indonesian clone of Instagram, called PicMix was able to do just that!

So we have already got the method, of how to monetize your userbase, all that remains is that you actually purchase our script and start monetizing like crazy, while YOUR brand becomes a house hold name

But here are some of our ideas on monetizing it:

You can add custom filters which holds your partners’ brands – for which you can charge the brands.

You can display ads using either Admob or iAd or even run your own custom banner manager, selling and displaying ad banners in your app.

sara murphy
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