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Stuck with payment gateway integration here’s the guide you need

Mahipal Jadeaj
Stuck with payment gateway integration here’s the guide you need

Are you working on development of a mobile app that accepts payments? Well, whether it is an ecommerce app or a service provider app, it is highly likely that you are going to accept payment for your goods or services that you wish to sell. Payment gateways are here for your rescue and we discuss how to integrate the same in your mobile app and reap the rewards of the same.

First, some figures providing a clear idea about the rising popularity of mobile ecommerce. As per Forrester Research project, mobile ecommerce will touch $144 billion in the US alone, with $38 billion coming from smartphones and tablets contributing $76 billion. These are huge numbers and you ought not to ignore the same in case you are mulling on selling anything on the internet, particularly when there is tough competition to beat and your competitors are already breathing down your neck!

Read more Stuck with payment gateway integration here’s the guide you need

Mahipal Jadeaj
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