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Top IoT App Development Trends that are Set to Rule Mobile Platform in 2019

Mahipal Jadeaj
Top IoT App Development Trends that are Set to Rule Mobile Platform in 2019

IoT is in vogue. However, the term Internet of Things was coined in the late 90’s for gadgets connected with the Internet. Today, as the corporate sector is ready to implement technological advancements for enhancing efficiency and improving customer services, IoT is ready to play a bigger role than ever. Perhaps, this is the reason why the concept is evolving rapidly by including other emerging technology trends like AI, AR, and blockchain.

As per one prediction, the IoT will generate a whopping revenue of $344B while reducing as many as $177B as corporate expenditure by 2020. ResearchGate has predicted that the number of connected devices will cross 50 billion by 2020. In such an exciting scenario, we can readily presume that IoT will drive the future of mobile app development in the coming years. This technology is mainstreamed to develop the smart city and smart workplace.

IOT Trend 2010


Image Courtesy: Gyantemple


Let’s go through the top IoT trends that will shape the app development domain in 2019:

1. Artificial Intelligence Will Join IoT

We can feel the presence of AI everywhere. This thriving technology has touched every aspect of our life with chatbots and other ‘intelligent’ devices. Now, both IoT and AI technologies deal with the collection and analysis of data. In the coming time, the IoT devices will be integrated with AI to provide better and more accurate services.

Also, machine learning will bring more automation to the process together with IoT. The machine learning model can also help companies secure data by promoting automation.

Read More:Top IoT App Development Trends that are Set to Rule Mobile Platform in 2019

Mahipal Jadeaj
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