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Use Bug Tracking Tools to Accomplish Quality in Output

Syed Qasim
Use Bug Tracking Tools to Accomplish Quality in Output

“Software never was perfect and won’t get perfect. But is that a license to create garbage? The missing ingredient is our reluctance to quantify quality.”— Boris Beizer

Software testing is an essential part of the software quality assurance process to rectify overall sustainability and accuracy in results. Bug tracking tools not only reduce the chances of future bugs and vulnerabilities but as well as it diminishes the exposure of bugs expected to affect the performance in future. When it comes to optimized level quality assurance, Kualitee top the list. It’s rated among the most effective bug tracking tools that are now widely used by the thousands of testing professionals all around the globe. Kualitee delivers the full range of software test management, bug management, and defect management. Kualitee delivers the following bug tracking features to all of its users.

  • With Kualitee you can create certain test projects which will give you the step by step process of detailing with requirements.
  • Any QA professional can create their own test environment as per their software test requirements.
  • You can handle different builds and modules to have a full control in terms of handling your test projects.
  • Kualitee follows an end to end test cycle execution process to rectify bugs and vulnerabilities affecting the overall quality of a specific product.
  • Likewise, the other available bug tracking tools, Kualitee will help you to manage your test teams and also can add new users according to your project test requirement.
  • It’s an ultimate test management solution which helps to plan, develop and execute detailed test plans in an organized fashion.
  • It’s export features allows you to extract your work in the shape of pdf, excel and CSV format. Now easily create your test scenario and test plans to effectively execute your test cycles.  
  • Don’t leave your software bugs unattached. Kualitee will help you to manage all of these in an appropriate fashion. As a tester, you can easily monitor the bug history with multiple information pointers.
  • Enjoy optimized level test Integration with Kualitee. While using Kualitee as a testing tool, you can seamlessly integrate your test cycles with Bitbucket, JIRA, and Jenkins.

Ending Note

Bug tracking tools are so essential to remove vulnerabilities and bugs during a software development lifecycle.  QA professionals have to be consistent while implementing advanced level bug tracking tools to assure overall performance.

Syed Qasim
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