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How smart is your shop floor?

HMS Naveen
How smart is your shop floor?

Ever visited a power plant in recent times? The number of personnel on the floor is hardly 5. A couple of people, operating a little away from the plant, watching a number of displays and light bulbs would be ‘quietly’ monitoring the entire production process. In fact, you would almost be greeted with an eerie silence, except for the hum of the turbines. Now, contrast that with a traditional manufacturing plant – the number of moving parts (literally and figuratively) make the shop floor a beehive of activity. What if the traditional shop floor can also be managed and monitored with quiet confidence and outstanding efficiency – by connecting machines, systems and people seamlessly.

Manufacturing starts on the shop floor. It’s where material moves, the product is created, ultimately, where the work gets done. Every day, new devices and equipment are providing manufacturers with new opportunities for innovation and connection. In the entire world of shop floor automation, the trend (nay a wholesale revolution) is smart factory. 

HMS Naveen
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