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Why 2018 Is All About Smart Home Apps And Living The ‘Jetsons’ Way

Swarnendu De
Why 2018 Is All About Smart Home Apps And Living The ‘Jetsons’ Way

If you are from the 90s, you must have seen ‘Jetsons’ – a cartoon way ahead of its time, where there were smart robots and things doing the daily chores.

It got us excited and made us wonder if this can be a reality.

Well, my friend, we have reached a position where we have a smart home with numerous ‘things’ connected to each other.

Be its temperature control, security, smart lighting, cooking, air pollution control or anything else – an IoT smart home app development can take care of it.

Take AWAIR for example. It’s a cute and small radio device. The look can be deceptive as the device is a sensitive tool that measures air quality. And tells you the number of allergens, humidity, present temperature and CO2 content as well.

Swarnendu De
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