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How To Access HP Printers From The Different Computers?

warner smith
How To Access HP Printers From The Different Computers?

HP or Hewlett-Packard is considered to be one of the first companies to provide laser printer for PCs and is known for its reliability and affordability.

In case you already have a wireless printer like HP Printer connected to your wireless network and wanted to utilize it with Windows system connected to the network then follow the below- listed steps-

ØIf you have the HP software CD along with you which comes with the HP Printer then simply go for installing the software CD on each of the network computers where you wanted to use the HP Printer.

But Drivers-Only v4ersion is rarely available on the websites.

If you face any issues while downloading the latest HP software from the websites then you can contact HP Printer Technical Support number to get assistance from the technicians.

ØDuring the HP Printer software installation, go for selecting either ‘Through the network’, ‘Network or Wireless’ when it’s prompted.

warner smith
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