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Apple’s iOS 12 – Focus on Performance, Eye on Future

Mahipal Jadeaj
Apple’s iOS 12 – Focus on Performance, Eye on Future

The Cupertino Company Apple has introduced the latest version of iOS as iOS 12 in the most recent WWDC 2018 event, held between June 4 to June 8 in San Jose Convention Center. Most of the iOS app developers were of the opinion that the upcoming version would focus more on performance and less on new features. But, the company has succeeded in maintaining a subtle balance between both features and performance in iOS 12.

The top iOS app development companies in the USA, India, and other countries tend to stay updated with the features of every newer version of iOS. Here we describe a few noteworthy features of iOS 12 from developers perspective.

Top characteristics of the latest iOS version:

  • Performance- Left, right and center

As mentioned by Craig Federighi, Software VP of Apple Inc., the company is ‘doubling down’ on performance in iOS 12. With faster operations, devices that support iOS 12 will speed things up for the users. For instance, iOS 12 can launch apps 40 percent faster and open camera 70 percent faster than its predecessors. Prolonged battery life and optimal performance of both iPhones and iPads even under the heavy load are a few of the benefits of the latest version.

Read More https://www.solutionanalysts.com/blog/apples-ios-12-focus-on-performance-eye-on-future/

Mahipal Jadeaj
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