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Ema Smith

As a student, you will be frequently asked by your professor to compare specific things like countries, personalities, or book characters or even abstract notions like theories. A compare and contrast essay is a type of essay that requires students to compare the differences and similarities between two or more subjects and reinforces his or her findings in the end. When crafting this type of essay, there are a few guidelines that you need to follow.

Brainstorm your topic

Before you begin writing, you should take a little time to brainstorm about how your subjects are similar or different. Brainstorming your topic helps you determine the major points that you need to focus on which in turn will guide you when formulating your thesis. You can do this by coming up with a list of all the qualities of each and every subject. You can find more help on how to brainstorming your topic from essay writing service USA.

Develop your thesis

According to quality essay writing services, a compare and contrast thesis can take many directions. However direction it takes, the resulting argument should explain why it’s useful to put the contrasting subjects together. Show your reader why one subject is more desirable compared to the other or others and help him or her make a meaningful comparison between the subjects.

Decide on your format

There are several ways in which you can structure your compare-and-contrast essay. Your decision will depend on which structure will work best considering your ideas. The following are the best and most common structures used by affordable essay writing services.

• Subject by subject. In this structure, you will first deal with all of the points about subject A, then all of the points of subject B and so on. The best thing about this structure is that you don’t jump back and forth between topics which results in a smooth and easy to read essay.

• Point by point. This type of structure switches back and forth between points. You could choose to first discuss the prices of item A vs. the price of item B before moving to the list of ingredients. The major advantage of using this structure is that what you are comparing and contrasting comes out very clearly. However, since you will frequently switch back and forth between topics, you will need to use transitions to lead your reader through your argument.

• Compare then contrast. In this structure, you begin by presenting all the comparisons which are then followed by the contrasts. This structure can be helpful when you want to really emphasize how your subjects are totally different.

Outline your essay

Outlining your compare and contrast essay gives you a template to follow as you develop your ideas. It also helps you to work out the main structure of your essay. Regardless of the way you decide to organize your essay, it will need to have an introduction, the body, and conclusion.

• Introduction. The introductory paragraph presents the basic information about the subjects to be discussed. It should present your thesis and encourage the reader to continue reading.

• Body Paragraphs. Just like in any other essays, body paragraphs are where you provide the details and evidence supporting your claims. Each body paragraph should deal with a different proof and analyze the evidence in order to support your thesis.

• Conclusion. The concluding paragraph is very important in a compare and contrast essay. This paragraph restates the thesis in a more sophisticated way and summarizes all the evidence presented.

Ema Smith
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