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Student Insurance - Do I really need it?

chris hamilton
Student Insurance - Do I really need it?

Accidents can happen to everyone and by definition, they are unforeseen incidents that happen unexpectedly and unintentionally. Even if you’re the most cautious person, you should still consider purchasing student insurance to cover your personal belongings.

Heading off to university is one of the most exciting times of your life. It is most likely the first time you’re going to be taking care of yourself and perhaps buying your own insurance.

We’re here to help you choose the right cover for your lifestyle.

So what insurance do I need?

There are different types of cover you might want to consider, a common insurance for students is contents cover. Usually building insurance is included in student houses by landlords and student halls by universities, but make sure to do your research and check that it covers any damage made by yourself or your housemates.

The text above is a summary, you can read the full article which is published here.

chris hamilton
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