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Why you should book a hotel in Times Square

TRYP Hotel
Why you should book a hotel in Times Square

The most frequently asked question by first-time travellers and even those who have been to the city before is,where to book a hotel in New York?

New York city, being the commercial capital of the world,boasts of a whopping sixty million tourists a year tag! And Manhattan, being the commercial and entertainment hub of New York, sees an annual footfall of over seventeen million!

 It is no surprise then, that the city has more than 270 registered hotels and bed-and-breakfasts.The amount of options to choose from, can be disorienting. And many tourists are at a loss when deciding which hotel in New Yorkis the best fit for their budget and requirements.One of the best budget hotelsin Times Square that you will find, is the Tryp Hotel by Windham Times Square South.

Whether you are flying solo or on a family trip, Tryp Hotel is the perfect fit for you. Located at a convenient distance from major Times Square attractions like the Madison Square park, the Jacob Javitts Centre  and the Museum of Modern Art;havinglarge, comfortable rooms (check out their hugely popular family rooms that can accommodate as many as eight people!);along with a lounge and bar with a captivating view of the New York skyline, what’s not to love at the Tryp Hotel?!

This 4 star New York hotelis an eco friendly green space in the heart of a concrete jungle.Having been awarded 4 green keys by the Green Key Eco Rating System for its environment friendly policies,Tryp hotel is a breathe of fresh air.


Midtown Manhattan has the largest number of hotels in New York, and the west side is where all the fun is! Why? Because the crossroads of the world, the One Times Square is situated here!Booking a room in a Times Square Hotel like Tryp Hotelwill place you snugly at the heart of the Big Apple.


Visit Madame Tussaud’s or walk through the Museum of Modern Art, suspend disbelief at Ripley's Believe it Or Notor let your jaw drop at the New Year's Eve Ball Drop event at  One Times Square, shop till you drop at the biggest brand outlets or just sit and do some people watching at the Times Square, there is no shortage of things to do in New York, and all this, at a walking distance from your hotel!

No New York experience is complete without a visit to the BroadwayTheatre Street. Take a stroll down the street and meet people dressed in colourful costumes, showing off their skills or  attend a play or performance. The theatre street is an absolutedelight for the senses. The Tryp Hotel offers great deals to its guests on various events happening around the five Burroughs, so make sure you inquire about those before you make any plans! And their return visit offersfor returning guests will give you one more reason to come back to the city!

TRYP Hotel
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