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GlobalEP Rheumatoid Arthritis Market to Witness Healthy Expansion during 2025

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GlobalEP Rheumatoid Arthritis Market to Witness Healthy Expansion during 2025

The global market for rheumatoid arthritis is anticipated to foresee a market expansion, recording a 5.9% CAGR over the eight-year forecast period 2017-2025. The overall market was projected to hold a market evaluation of about US$ 23,900 Million in 2017 and is projected to hold an estimation of above US$ 37,800 Million through 2025 end. This market expansion of the rheumatoid arthritis is mainly fuelled by macroeconomic aspects such as the rise in the aging populace of several nations that consequently enhances the number of rheumatoid arthritis patients. The commonness of this disease is moreover foreseen to be higher in women. In addition, there is an increase in awareness regarding the disease in several emerged regions. This has enlarged the disease treatment rate instead of symptoms treatment. Since individuals are more aware regarding rheumatoid arthritis they become more disposed in the direction of the disease treatment, in that way advancing the drug's sales in the overall market. These aspects are likely to mark the launch of a couple of new products which will enter the market over the coming eight years.

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Geographically, the North America market is likely to account for the most market value shares as well as in addition projected to remain prevalent in the overall market. The region is projected to record an evaluation in excess of US$ 16,000 Million all through 2025. Nevertheless, the Asia Pacific market is anticipated to come out as a leader amid others as well as is estimated to increase at a 7.9% CAGR all through the calculated time frame 2017-2025. The MEA regional market is furthermore anticipated to record huge prospects for development in the overall market. 

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The overall market is inclusive of various types of therapies such as symptomatic treatment, disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) therapies (comprises biologic DMARDs along with conventional DMARDs) as well as intermediate corticosteroid therapies. The DMARDs category is projected to be the most attractive therapy type in the overall market. Amid which, the conventional DMARDs sub-category is highly preferred for Rheumatoid Arthritis. The DMARD therapy type is considered to witness the highest market expansion along with value rate for the duration of the assessment, 2017-2025. This category is projected to capture a market evaluation in excess of US$ 30,000 Million by 2025 end, recording a 6.2% CAGR during the calculated period. The distribution channel utilized for the sale of the drugs includes the retail pharmacy, drug stores as well as hospital pharmacy.

The leading companies operating in the worldwide market are Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, UCB S.A., Amgen Inc., Sobi Inc., AbbVie Inc., Eli Lilly & Company, F. Hoffman-La Roche AG, Johnson & Johnson, Sanofi SA, Pfizer Inc. and Others.

Report Analysis: https://www.researchreportinsights.com/report/upcomming/120124624/Rheumatoid-Arthritis-Market

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