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How About Story Listening?

Yorke Comm
How About Story Listening?

Story listening—the missing piece of corporate storytelling

Without storytelling, our civilization wouldn’t exist, neither would great brands. Organizations are increasingly hopping on the storytelling bandwagon, but let’s take a step back. While your customers do care about your story, they want to hear how it makes a difference to them, how does it add value to their life or business. The key lies in telling the right story.

And how do you know if you’re telling the right story? You just must listen. You can’t tell a story that relates to your audience from behind a computer screen, merely based on a few Google search terms. The real stories are outside the walls of your office. Meet your customers face to face.  Listen to them, understand their pain points, and learn what they care about. Those are the stories that will spark conversations and even insight.

The text above is a summary, you can read full article Story listening in Storytelling.

Yorke Comm
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