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Best Curcumin Supplement | Alhric Healthcare

annabelle alice
Best Curcumin Supplement | Alhric Healthcare

CURCUMIN IS THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT of turmeric and is also found in limited amounts in ginger. It is an anti-inflammatory molecule and similar to Fish Oil, it seema to be a metabolic syndrome band – aid. It has poor bioavailability and Black pepper greatly enhances absorption.

Summary of Curcumin

It is a small molecule that is the prototypical 'curcuminoid', and has effects similar to other polyphenols but unique in a way as it is a different class of polyphenol (relative to the other classes of 'flavonoid', 'stilbene', etc.) 

Doses up to 8g curcuminoids in humans have been shown to not be associated with much adverse effects at all, and in vitro tests suggest curcumin has quite a large safety threshold.


Also Known As


Turmeric extract, Curry Extract, Curcuma, Diferuloylmethane, JiangHuang, Curcuma Longa, 1, 7-bis-{3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl}-1, 6-heptadiene-3, 5-dione


For more information 

contact : +91-99901 94424

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Domain :   http://qmirin.com/

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