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Magento to WordPress Conversion Tips & Tricks for UX Design

Shimna Suresh
Magento to WordPress Conversion Tips & Tricks for UX Design

A website UX is something obtained by the visitor’s, whenever they browse a site. A website offering a pleasent and nice experience to visitor’s will be loved by people as well as search engines. If the reverse happens, then there will be high bounce rate, low traffic, low conversion rate etc. Those who are active in the internet will not visit your website, if they received a negative experience. Today a good number of people is converting from Magento to WordPress. A WordPress website helps them to raise their profit margin.

Making a well-defined website migration plan:

Many things need to be considered before going for a website migration. All things will revert if migration is done without having any proper plan. It is quite natural to face some technical problems while migrating from Magento to WordPress. First of all create a website migration plan with proper consultation which helps to migrate the current magento website to WordPress very smoothly.

Avoid playing with codes:

The first thing that every web designer should keep in mind is that the site creating should be unique and user-friendly. To create a unique website, most of the designers play with codes. Always use simple codes to create such unique websites. Also check the authenticity of it.

Content Role in UX:

Magento website to the WordPress platform, content plays a greater role in UX. Always new website offers the content visitors are looking for success, Keep SEO-optimized and information-rich content on a new WordPress website, Complement content with relevant images, screenshots, data, facts & figures, etc. It will increase the user experience up to a great extent on the website.

Test Website for Technical Issues before Launch:

A website displays 404 pages, definitely visitors’ causes disappointment and frustration. Magento website to the WordPress platform, it has technical errors like cross-browser compatibility issues, 404 pages, loading speed, responsiveness to every mobile device, external and internal URLs, and more. Find all possible errors and remove them ASAP. Make sure that website is 100% ready to be used by the targeted audience.

Safe for Use:

The biggest concern of the website is that visitors data. Continuous cyber-attacks like online financial frauds, use of malware software for stealing the customer’s data, etc are bad for online business owners. It lost the trust of the targeted customers and potential business opportunities.

Website Super-Fast:

Modern Internet users neglect slow loading websites because they don’t have sufficient patience to wait for a long time to visit the website and leave it immediately and browse another fast loading website. It is a big setback for your brand. Website load faster on all devices, it not only complements SEO efforts but also helps to get better ranking in Google and lead generation.

Shimna Suresh
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