AI Products 

Non Surgical Nose Job

Amanda Hopkins
Non Surgical Nose Job

At Cosmedocs UK, we use two of safest dermal fillers treatmentsavailable in the market. The first product is hyaluronic acid, whose effects last for 6 to 12 months. The second is Radiesse which lasts for 12 to 15 months. Both of these products have the following advantages.

Dermal fillers are temporary. The patient and the doctor could opt for a new approach because of the temporary nature of the fillers.

The changes that can be achieved by using dermal fillers are natural-looking.

Dermal fillers are versatile having unique visco-elastic properties. CosmeDocs are able to accomplish very specific improvements in nose reshaping that are simply not possible by surgical rhinoplasty.

Results are visible immediately as compared to almost a year for surgical rhinoplasty.

The patient is conscious during the procedure and can interact with their cosmetic doctor. This provides an immense advantage to this procedure.


Cosmedocs is a leader in non surgical nose Job in London.

Amanda Hopkins
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