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The Reality of Modern Farming Will Surprise You

vignesh waran
The Reality of Modern Farming Will Surprise You

Thanks to the innovative mobile app for farmers, the once overwhelming task of combating limited and restricted access to education as well as basic crop information has been made easy and effective.

Sustainability challenges loom in the horizon, when we consider production of food grains and agricultural products.

In order to address such challenges and be able to create financial value for both smallholder farms and agriculture-based organizations, modern technologies such as cloud-based applications are found to be a boon.

These are effectively being used in agricultural chains in all global nations.

A host of mobile applications provide essential and reliable basic information about agriculture-related factors such as weather information, trading facilities, financial services (such as loans, insurance, and payments), and peer-to-peer learning to the farming community.

These factors enable them to arrive at right decisions about fixing their commodities’ price in accordance with market trends and demands, appropriate climatic conditions for seed-sowing, and managing their cattle.

vignesh waran
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