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Space Tourism Market Analysis: Global Industry Will Reach US$ 1270 Million at a CAGR 17.3% by Forecast 2023

Ashley Ryder
Space Tourism Market Analysis: Global Industry Will Reach US$ 1270 Million at a CAGR 17.3% by Forecast 2023

Analytical Research Cognizance has announced the addition of the “2018-2023 Global Space Tourism Market” by company, by country, and by application/type for the competitive landscape analysis.

The industry is expected to remain innovation-led, with frequent acquisitions and strategic alliances adopted as the key strategies by the players to increase their industry presence.

Manufacturers can take advantage of this situation by reinforcing their production units and supply-chains to avoid any delay in production turn-around-times (TAT) and supply-lead-times.

To date only orbital space tourism has taken place provided by the Russian Space Agency, although work continues developing sub-orbital space tourism vehicles by Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic.

In addition, SpaceX announced in 2017 that they are planning on sending two space tourists on a lunar free return trajectory in 2018 aboard their Dragon V2 spacecraft launched by the Falcon Heavy rocket.

This report presents a comprehensive overview, market shares and growth opportunities of Space Tourism market by product type, application, key companies and key regions.

Ashley Ryder
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