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Advantages and disadvantages of gresite

mike donovan
Advantages and disadvantages of gresite

Advantages and disadvantages of gresite

The gresite -a name given to the small tiles gres- is a material widely used as a coating for floors and walls,
especially in bathrooms, facades and swimming pools. Composed of vitreous materials cooked at high temperatures, it
has a great resistance to extreme physical and chemical conditions. Its negative side is represented by the high
price .

Advantages of the tile
In addition to the high resistance to various climatic conditions, the gresite stands out for other advantages.
Since it is conformed by small tiles - generally they are squares of 3 or 4 centimeters of side -, it allows to
realize special designs in the walls or in the floors where they are placed. This is applied in shapes or patterns
that are designed around the bathroom mirror, in borders or drawings in the pools.

Regarding cleaning , this is a simple task when the small pieces are part of a single tile called a tile. However,
sometimes, it is possible that the opposite occurs. The smaller the tile, the greater the number of joints, an
aspect that makes cleaning difficult. If the tile is placed in a room where moisture accumulates, it is easier for
the joints to blacken and become a possible source of mold.

Disadvantages of the tile
The tile is one of the most expensive coatings on the market. In large areas, the lowest prices of the tile start
from 9 euros per square meter and may exceed 40. To this figure must be added -except that the installation is made
by the person concerned- the cost of labor, that is not cheap either. The task consists of three parts: preparation
of the surface, placement of the pieces and "grouting" of the tiles. This last task consists in placing the fine
cement mass that joins the different ceramic pieces.(gresite para piscinas)

How to place the gresite
The placement of the tile is not complex. The surface should be smoothed enough to ensure that there will be no
problem for the tiles to form a plane. Next, a layer of cement-glue and the small pieces is applied . The most
complicated, without a doubt, is to keep the straight lines in the placement of the ceramic. Since the final design
is a grid pattern, any lack of accuracy can be too striking. It is the main risk that, in this case, runs the
amateur who points to the task.

A resource used to reduce costs and give the surface a similar finish is to install imitations . In the specialized
stores, tiles are marketed, usually 30 centimeters on each side, which imitate the completion of small tiles of
tiles and whose prices are much lower. It is a valid solution for anyone and even for the average amateur. However,
the finish is not the same in both cases: the difference between the authentic tile and any simile is obvious.


mike donovan
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