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How to Setup & Configure a New HP Printer? HP Printer Customer Support Number +1-844-881-6626.

Ashley Lee
How to Setup & Configure a New HP Printer? HP Printer Customer Support Number +1-844-881-6626.

HP is a well-known brand to provide a variety of printers and all of them have impressive features. Among other products, HP printer is one of the best printers. It is loaded with an immense feature along with a great interface. But sometimes users come across a problem like they can't able to Setup and configure a new HP Printer on their own. So, to solve such problem you need to get help from our HP Customer Service. Dial our toll-free number HP Printer Number +1-844-881-6626 and contact our experts for any assistance and support.


A new HP printer setup, installation, and configuration is a very easy task that can be done by following the setup guide. Each new HP printer comes with external peripherals such as Ink-Cartridges, USB wire, Power Cord, Device Manuals, HP printer software & driver disk etc.


Follow given instructions in the manual. If you lost the installation guide and you don't know what to do? Then contact on our toll-free HP Printer Customer Support Number +1-844-881-6626 and talk with our online expert regarding this issue. We have also given some easy instructions to Setup & Configure a New HP Printer.


How to Setup HP Printer Installation Steps:


  • First Unbox HP printer and pick the device manual guide.
  • Now Plug-in the power cable in the device and wall socket.
  • Then press the power button and turn the printer ON.
  • After that get ink-cartridges and remove plastic covers from their edges.
  • Then Open the printer panel and install ink-cartridges.
  • Take paper and place them in the tray.
  • Now insert software & driver disk in your computer’s DVD player.
  • Agree to terms & condition of HP software installation and proceed.
  • Now follow on-screen instructions.
  • In the next step choose the type of connection for the printer.
  • Now select USB or Wireless Printer.
  • Then connect your HP printer using USB wire to the computer.
  • Then proceed further for final configurations.
  • Finally, successful installation of HP printer, print a test page for confirmation.


If your computer does not support DVD disk, then download free HP printer drivers online at from HP official website


Dial HP Printer Support Phone Number for Any Help and assistance:

Sometime, there can be some problem that may interrupt the installation of your new HP printer. Also, if your printer did not come along with USB wire, then you need to follow another guide for wireless installation of HP printer or you can contact HP Printer Customer Service Number +1-844-881-6626 for online help as well as ask them for missing USB wire in the box. So whenever you need any assistance regarding HP printer just dial our toll-free HP, Customer Support Number and get quick and fast support from our HP printers technical experts.



Ashley Lee
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