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Reasons why one should consider Node.js technology for their web or mobile app

Coruscate Solutions
Reasons why one should consider Node.js technology for their web or mobile app

“Node.js is taking over the entire enterprise market”  this is what most of the industry experts are buzzing over the internet.


Node.js being an open source technology has gained great prestige in the tech world with its real-time applications successfully working for most of the enterprises like Netflix LinkedIn and Uber.


The technology is light to code and is easily scalable over any platform to execute its code. With the features like an event-driven model, the apps developed in Node.js could handle multiple client requests and process it within minutes to respond back - a perfect suit for any application focusing on the client-server model.

If you are planning to develop an application at the enterprise level, as per our research, it's good to put your trust in Node.js and take advantage of its capabilities. Here is some of our research on why one should consider Node.js to develop their mobile or web app.

Coruscate Solutions
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