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The Top Mobile App Development Firms of 2022

Kristi Ray
The Top Mobile App Development Firms of 2022

One of the biggest challenges facing businesses today, especially newly established companies, is that customers and clients increasingly expect to complete transactions and make purchases with just the touch of a finger or swipe of the screen. It means that to remain competitive, you need an attractive mobile app that allows people to take advantage of your products and services from their phones on the go. How do you get there? By hiring one of the best mobile app development firms in your area. If you're unsure where to look, check out our list of the top mobile app development companies in 2022 below!


Since 2006, they have established themselves as one of India's most acclaimed mobile app development companies and a pioneer in mobile application development solutions. DxMinds has come a long way since its inception, with its solutions helping Fortune 500 companies across different industry verticals to make use of newer technologies like Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI). DxMinds has expanded its presence to new international markets like South East Asia, the Middle East, and Europe.

FATbit Technologies

FATbit Technologies is worth your consideration as this has been a reputed mobile app development company since 2004. They help businesses solve problems with better technology and software solutions. They've developed over 2,500 digital products for their clients. As a prominent leader in the software industry, FATbit Technologies has also been featured in Business Insider, Entrepreneur, Fox40, HuffPost, and more.


Founded in 2004, ValueCoders is a global mobile app development firm; It helps startups and businesses create custom mobile apps for their unique business processes and workflow. ValueCoders also offers Artificial Intelligence solutions that can be integrated into your existing app for an enhanced experience. Besides app development, it also provides in-house web development services so that its clients can stay entirely within one ecosystem to design, develop and manage their entire digital presence. In the past years, ValueCoders delivered 4200+ projects and worked with more than 2500 clients across different industry domains such as hospitality, tourism, healthcare, eCommerce, retail, etc.

Classic Informatics

Classic informatics was established in 2002 to offer top-quality development services to their clients. It's a global IT firm worked with various reputed organizations like Omnix International, Canopy, Vonality, Crane, etc.

Silicon IT Hub

Silicon IT Hub provides multiple types of mobile app development services to several different industries. It offers a variety of IT services such as Mobile app development, Web app development, UI/UX design, Amazon Web services, Blockchain App Development, IoT App Development, and more.


It's known that mobile app development is rapidly becoming one of technology's most lucrative and sought-after career fields. Mobile app designers have seen a steady increase in job postings and opportunities over time, especially as mobile technology becomes more powerful, affordable, and prevalent around the world. If you're eager to enter into (or continue) a promising career in mobile app development, you can consider our list as your first choice.

Kristi Ray
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