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Samantha Chez-Magbanua: What is the role of a housewife?

Samantha Chez-Magbanua
Samantha Chez-Magbanua: What is the role of a housewife?

A housewife is a person who likes to take care of her family and children. She is responsible for doing all her household work. The job of a housewife is one of the most powerful jobs in the world. It is a job without salary and it is one of the most valuable jobs. A housewife is a woman with multiple roles. She is responsible for cooking, cleaning, doing the upbringing of her children with proper care as well as managing other household works.

A housewife can do everything for the happiness of their family. Samantha Chez-Magbanua likes to cook several delicious meals in order to enhance the happiness of her family. A housewife is basically the official manager of her house who is responsible for supervising the daily household activity of her home. Despite of managing her household work, a housewife is also responsible for doing several other activities, which includes:-

  • Proper Child care

Housewife usually stays at home and provides complete care for her children.  She is responsible for creating a happy and healthy environment for the overall development of their children. She is also responsible for inculcating good habits among their children.  She also accompanies them to several activities that are needed to enhance their development. She also likes to organize several activities in order to enhance their learning skills. She also takes their children to the doctor, if needed.

  • Managing Home Activities

Housewife is also responsible for managing the household activities of their home. They are responsible for making daily purchases that are needed. They are responsible for dividing their time in such a way that helps them in completing their daily tasks. A housewife is also responsible for managing the budget of her home as well. She has to make important decisions regarding the expenses.  She is also responsible for taking care of all the things that is related to her home.

  • Doing Cooking and cleaning

Cooking meals and cleaning of the home are the two most important duties of a housewife. Samantha Chez-Magbanua is an excellent chef, who is responsible for cooking several meals for the members of her family. A housewife is also responsible for organizing the messy items of her home. They are also responsible for doing the cleaning of her house which includes things dishes, clothing and floor. A housewife is also responsible for arranging several things that are needed to cook a meal. They are responsible for doing shopping of groceries and vegetables for making nutritious meals for the whole member of her family.

Samantha Chez-Magbanua
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